Page 107 of See You Again
He pulled his phone from his pocket and scrolled through his contacts until he found the one he wanted. While he waited for the call to connect, he asked, “Is there someone you could stay with for a few days until we can get a better security system in here? Your mother? Madison?”
It wasn’t what he wanted to say. He wanted to lock her away in a room where he could keep an eye on her, but he wasn’t sure how she would take that idea. Cami was obstinately independent, and James worried that if he tried to force her into it, it would only drive her away.
Cami’s face leeched of color. “Madison! What if they’ve gone to her house, too?”
“Call her.” The words had barely left his lips when Cami already had her phone out and disappeared into the kitchen, yanking her hair over her shoulder.
Ten minutes later, she returned, her face drawn and exhausted “She’s going to take Jax and stay with her parents for a while.” Cami grimaced. “This is the last thing she needs right now. She’s worried Jax’s dad will find out and use this in his bid for custody.”
“No one had broken in?”
“She doesn’t think so. And nothing weird has happened around her house. She lives in a gated community, so that helps.”
“You should consider that, especially if you are going to keep pursuing murderers. Frankly, I’m surprised this is the first time you’ve had threats.”
Cami’s eyes slid away.
“Are you serious?”
His temper rose again. She was literally going to make him insane.
“Nothing serious in the past. Just internet trolls.”
James closed his eyes. Now was not the time to lecture her. When he was sure he could keep his voice even, he filled her in on his calls. “Your local precinct will do a drive by every three hours. It was the best they could do. In the meantime, Brady is going to install a better security system here.”
Her face folded. “I can’t?—”
“It’s going to take a few days, though, so you’ll need someplace to stay. Doesn’t your mom live nearby?”
A guarded expression crossed her face, as it always did when he asked her about her family. “She doesn’t have room. I’ll just check into a hotel or?—”
“You’ll stay with me.” There, that sounded normal. Not like a possessive caveman who wanted to throw her over his shoulder.
Maybe not, he amended as Cami’s eyes grew wide. His voice was gruff when he continued. “The floor my suite is on can only be accessed by a key card or by prior authorization. With all the cameras and people around…”
“I can’t stay with you!”
“Why not? We’re supposed to be dating, aren’t we?”
Her mouth hung open. She might think this was a rash decision, but to James, it felt totally and completely right. For the first time since they realized someone had broken in, his muscles eased.
This way, he knew she would be safe
“Go upstairs and gather what you need. It’s only for a few days.”
“Unless you want me to take you to your mother’s? You can stay in the guest room, if you prefer. We’re meeting my family tomorrow anyway, and then it’s the work week. We’ll barely see each other,” James added.
She stared at him a moment, and then without another word, disappeared up the steps.
Huh? That had been easier than he’d expected. He had fully expected her to fight him on this.
As he loaded her bags into the car and closed the trunk, a patrol car rounded the corner. Meeting the officer at the end of the driveway, James introduced himself and explained the situation, handing the officer his business card. He turned to see Cami on the sidewalk, speaking with a middle-aged woman in a bathrobe who was fluttering her hands.
James was impatient to get Cami out of there, and safely behind the layers of hotel security. Less than two hours after they’d arrived with their now cold pizza, they were on their way back into town.
“Madison is really upset with me,” Cami said with a sad little sigh. “She wants to drop the case completely.”