Page 148 of See You Again
A chill crept up her spine. “What do you mean?”
“I should have said something sooner. He’s been spying on you… trying to see where you were in your investigation. When you got too close, he said he tried to stop you.”
Cami kept her voice normal when she said, “Well then, I guess you're doing me a huge favor, too.”
The drive to her office from her mother’s only took twenty minutes. At the first stoplight, she sent James a text filling him in on what was happening. She wasn’t surprised when her phone rang less than a minute later.
“You can’t be serious that you are meeting him alone,” James seethed, as she pulled into the empty parking lot. “This could be a setup. What if Matt comes with him?”
“You didn’t hear his voice.” Cami sprinted to the door through the icy rain. “That’s why I’m calling you. I hate to interrupt your time with your family… but could you come? I don’t know how soon he’ll be here, but if you sit in Madison’s office, you can hear what is happening. He won’t know we aren’t alone.”
Cami heard a car door slam and his engine roar to life as she unlocked the glass doors and began flipping on the lights.
“It’s going to take me at least twenty minutes to get there.” There was a pause. “Have your taser in your pocket… and be careful. I know Trey has seemed innocent so far, but you can’t trust anyone connected to that poisonous bitch."
“I love you, James,” Cami said impulsively and then shook herself. She was letting his worry get to her.
“I love you, too, Tig. Be there soon.”
Cami shivered as she wrapped her arms around her damp sweater and paced over to the thermostat to turn up the heat. Was this a mistake? Should she call Trey back and set a later time so that she was sure that James would be there? She stiffened her spine. That might spook him.
Walking into the conference room, Cami opened her laptop and pulled up the recording software so that she could trigger it by tapping the mouse.
She had just prepared to sink into a chair when she remembered her taser in her purse on the reception desk. Before she reached the conference room door, she heard the outer door open. Cami glanced at her watch. How had Trey gotten there so fast? Swallowing her nerves, she put on her most confident smile and strolled into the reception area to greet him.
Trey stood, shifting on his feet. His eyes darted around the offices and then over his shoulder to the glass doors.
“Are we alone?”
Cami didn’t allow her smile to slip. “Yes. Why don’t we go into the conference room where we will be more comfortable?”
Trey nodded with one more look over his shoulder. Cami followed his line of sight but couldn’t see any other cars besides their two in the parking lot. No sign of Matt.
Cami beckoned him into the conference room, and she indicated a seat opposite her computer where the raised lid would block his view of the screen. He watched her warily, like an animal about to bolt.
“You are doing a very brave thing, Trey. I’m proud of you.” She made a point of meeting his eyes, and as she expected, his skirted away. Cami used the opportunity to tap the mouse to start the recording.
He frowned, looking from her to the computer.
“You said you wanted to go to the police. Are you ready to tell the truth about where Matt was that night?”
“Close that.” He gestured at the computer.
“Oh, sure.” She lowered the lid, but not enough to send the computer into sleep mode. At least she hoped she’d judged the distance correctly.
“Matt wasn’t at the hotel with you and your mom that night, was he?”
“He was.” Trey was staring at a spot on the wall, his face drawn in misery.
Cami frowned. “He couldn’t have been, Trey. Vincent Menardi found Amy’s necklace in the SUV. We know she called Matt.”
He shook his head sadly. “I don’t know how everything got so messed up.”
Curls of unease started in Cami’s stomach. “What do you mean?” She hated the tremor in her voice.
Trey lifted tormented blue eyes to hers. “I never meant to hurt her. I swear! It was an accident.”
Cami’s blood turned to ice. Her eyes darted to the door. Trey saw her glance and took a step to the side, blocking her escape.