Page 16 of See You Again
“Come upstairs.” Cami’s eyes widened, and James realized he’d said the words out loud. “To get cleaned up...”
It was only logical, he assured himself, before panic could set in. Cami couldn’t parade around Atlanta in a drenched dress and her hair hanging in stringy clumps from the sticky concoction that doused her. It was perfectly rational to offer his room. Gentlemanly even.
“A car service won’t take you like that. You’d make a mess.”
Cami tentatively touched a clump of hair that lay over her shoulder. “It’s okay. I’ll use the lobby bathroom.” She didn’t look convinced.
James spread his hands wide. “Look, I live in the hotel. It’s more like an apartment—there are two bedrooms, two bathrooms. You can take a quick shower, and by then your dress will have dried.”
“I don’t think…” She peeked up at him through her lashes.
The muscles in his stomach clenched. Did she think he was hitting on her? If so, she didn’t look offended. He willed his body not to respond.
“Don’t read anything more into it,” he said, more to reassure himself than her.
Say no, Cami. This is a terrible idea.
Her body was already humming from being close to him and now was she seriously considering going to his hotel room to take a shower? It needed to be a cold one.
I’m not a child. I’m an adult. I’ve never had a one-night stand before but…
Wait. What am I saying?
Cami shook her head, banishing the tempting thought.
I’m just making myself presentable.
She’d always wanted James, and this might be her only chance to fulfill the fantasies that had tormented her from the moment she first saw him in class.
James had strolled into the lecture hall, his chiseled jaw, broad shoulders and innate confidence, standing out among the other college students. She, along with every other female in the room, had stared as a band of smooth, tan skin and the top of a delicious v-cut muscle was exposed as he slung his backpack over his shoulder.
I’m not expecting anything to come from it, she reasoned. Too much had happened between them.
I just want him naked. Is that so bad?
Cami continued to argue with herself as she followed him through the marble lobby and waited for the glass elevator that would whisk them up to his floor in silence.
This is a mistake, a voice in her head whispered.
Why? It’s one night. To satisfy my curiosity.
It’s not like he’s a stranger. I know him… or used to.
He’s not going to murder me.
Plus, it will stop the endless ‘what if’ wondering. He might be terrible.
Then the spell James Bloom has always had over me will be broken.
Who am I kidding?
There is no way in hell James Bloom is mediocre at anything.
Cami had a feeling he would be as thorough with her body as he was with everything else he did. She squeezed her thighs together at a sudden throbbing ache.