Page 22 of See You Again
Cami’s eyelids hooded, and her tongue slipped out to wet her lower lip. “There’s nothing wrong with those.”
His erection jumped and her eyes dipped. There was no way to hide his reaction to her in the thin material. His skin buzzed, and he could feel his pulse jackrabbiting through his chest. But no matter how much he wanted to grab her and bury himself in her, he wouldn’t make it easy for her.
Not this time. This time she had to say it.
Cami leaned forward slightly so that the robe gaped further, revealing the delicious valley between her full breasts. His mouth dried, unable to look away even as he hoped it would slip a bit more. He’d always imagined her nipples as a dusky rose rather than delicate pink. Suddenly, it felt as if his life depended on him finding out the answer.
“James,” she whispered, slowly coming to her feet. “My dress must be dry by now. I could call a car…” Her eyes were on his.
Make her say it, his brain urged. Make her admit she wants?—
“You could stay.”
His words hung in the charged air between them. James concentrated on his breathing, trying not to let on how much the feral animal inside him wanted her to say yes. Was waiting for any sign that it could pounce.
“I could.” The sultry tone of Cami’s voice reached down and wrapped itself around his cock. She stepped around the coffee table.
“I don’t do relationships,” James reminded her.
“Good. That’s not what I’m looking for tonight.”
“What are you looking for?”
Cami stood between his open knees, her hair falling to curtain around her face as she bent her face to his. Heat radiated off her, and he could smell the mint of the hotel toothpaste on her breath.
“I’m looking to get fucked.”
James surged to his feet. Words he’d only ever dreamed about fell from her lips, setting the beast free. He plunged his hands into her hair as his mouth crashed into hers. She moaned into his mouth, her nails digging into his back, through his T-shirt.
Cami tasted even better than he’d always imagined. Her full lips were soft, but her tongue matched his hunger as his mouth slanted urgently over hers. Both of them too impatient to take it slow.
Too many years of imagining how it would be.
He groaned into her mouth when her nails gripped the hair on his nape. James’s blood pulsed hot through his veins, and he swore he could still smell the citrus spice that was uniquely her through the scent of the hotel’s products.
Cami. Finally.
She arched into him, moaning as he roughly shoved the robe from her shoulders until it pooled at her feet.
“Jesus.” James breathed, pulling back to take in the voluptuous landscape of her nude body. Just as he’d expected, she wore nothing beneath. For a second, it gave him pause.
Did she plan this?
Did he care?
James saw a brief flash of uncertainty in her eyes, a vulnerability he hadn’t expected. He did his best to rein himself in from seizing her like a caveman. His hands rose to cradle her ribs, his thumbs brushing the underside of her full breasts.
“Are you sure?”
Her pink tongue flicked out again, slicking her lower lip, and she nodded.
“If I do anything that you…” His fingers flexed against her heated skin, suddenly aware of how small she really was. How large his hands were on her. He dragged a thumb across a puckered nipple, loving how her breath hitched even as the rosy flush deepened across her chest.
“I’ll tell you.”
He dragged his eyes to hers. “Tell me to stop and?—”
The seductive curve of Cami’s lips almost made him come undone.