Page 41 of See You Again
Wait! What did I just agree to?
“Do you think we should add it to your contract?” she teased.
“Sure.” James pushed a pen across the desk at her. At least then he would know what the hell he’d agreed to.
“I think we need to keep this a secret from most people. Madison already knows, and if you want to tell your brother… and I’ll need to tell Justin.”
James’s head came up, a cold knot forming in his stomach. “Justin?”
Cami smiled. “You remember… Justin Garrett from college? From our study group?” The light in her eyes dimmed, but then she smiled so quickly James wasn’t sure if he’d imagined it.
James clenched his jaw. He remembered Justin. The little prick’s fake, sympathetic smile when he told James what Cami had said, how his eyes glinted during the gala when it all played out.
“Sorry, man. I don’t know how to tell you this, but you deserve to know before you ask Cami to go to that party with you, and if it were me… I know she’d been drinking, and she probably doesn’t remember saying it, but… Well, she made it clear she only joined our study group to get close to you. She wanted to hook one of the Bloom twins, and Luke already had a girlfriend. Cami didn’t think she had a chance with him. She thought because you’re such a loner you’d be easier to manipulate. But I guess she ran into Luke, and he broke up with the girl, and now she’s wondering if she made the right choice. She said he was more fun.”
However, James had already asked Cami to be his date to the gala… She’d looked so happy, her eyes shining. Was it because an invite to the society party gave her a chance to spend time with Luke? Was she using James for his father’s money, the way so many others had?
James had wanted to deny Justin’s words even as he battled the desire to shove his fist down Justin’s throat, bitter acid rising in his own. The words rang true. Everyone preferred Luke. The life of the party. Fun, reckless. His entire life, James had been the boring one, the responsible one… Luke had a way with people and women that James never would. His own family even said it.
He’d thought Cami was different. Was it possible that it was true? That Cami had forced her way into their study group just to get close to him. They had been full, but then she’d turned those huge, dark eyes on him, and he’d immediately caved.
James had swallowed his pride and asked his brother, desperately hoping for proof that it was a misunderstanding.
“Cami? The tiny, hot chick you’re always hanging out with?”
James couldn’t bring himself to ask anything else.
If Luke had slept with her…
“I just wondered if you talked to her recently. I thought she said she ran into you or something. I asked her to the Regent’s Gala, thought it might be nice if there were a familiar face for her,” James said, trying not to throw up. But he had to know if what Justin said was true. Had Cami sought Luke out?
Luke grinned as he poured himself another bowl of cereal. “Nah. Ran into her at the gym a few times. I know she’s your friend, but damn, I didn’t realize she was hiding all that under those baggy clothes. Who knew?” Luke waggled his eyebrows, and James thought he might actually punch his brother. Fury rolled through him, thinking of Luke leering at Cami’s curves in tight workout clothes. “I didn’t know you were taking her to the gala. Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
“I dunno. Not sure I’d introduce someone I liked into our family’s mess. What’s the word everyone uses now—toxic?”
“I needed a date. She’s a good friend.” Not a lie.
“That’s it?” His brother stared at him. “Are you sure you aren’t into her? Cause if not…”
James couldn’t bear to let his brother finish the sentence or stay in the room a minute longer. He had to get out before he said something they couldn’t come back from. He forced his steps to remain even and measured as he left the rat hole his brother called a bedroom, ignoring Luke calling his name.
In that moment, James realized just how far apart he and his twin had grown. There had been a time he would have been honest with Luke. Told him he’d fallen in love with Cami… but not anymore.
“I didn’t realize you were still friends?” James managed through his teeth.
“Yeah. We got back in touch while he was doing his residency here in Atlanta.”
“He’s a doctor?” That was a horrifying thought. Justin had barely passed the class they were in.
“Podiatrist, like his dad.”
James snorted. Probably used his dad’s connections to get into med school, he thought bitterly. Unlike James, Justin loved to brag about his father, the doctor. He was more than happy to trade on whatever connections his family had.
Then Cami’s words came back to him.