Page 62 of See You Again
James stilled. “I told you. I think he’s a predator.”
Cami cocked her head. “But you didn’t say why. I’m guessing what you aren’t wanting to share is that he was sexually aggressive with Luke’s girlfriend in the same way he was with Amy.”
His eyes widened slightly, but then a soft laugh slipped out. “You never cease to amaze me.”
“It wasn’t that difficult of a puzzle,” she said wryly, but inside she was glowing at the praise. “But there is a big difference between a handsy douchebag and a murderer.”
“Unless he tried something with Amy, and he lost control.”
Cami frowned. “Was he violent with… What do you call her… Dahlia?”
“Lia is her stage name. And no. To my knowledge, he wasn’t violent.” He let out a low chuckle. “If he had been, he wouldn’t still be breathing.”
Knowing how protective James was, Cami imagined Luke was the same.
“Then what aren’t you telling me? You didn’t even hesitate or suggest an alternative theory. You immediately accepted that Matt could have killed her.”
James’s jaw worked back and forth. He let out a heavy sigh and dropped onto the sofa again to sit beside her.
“I hope I don’t regret this. I’m going to tell you something only my family and one or two others know.” His eyes burned into hers. “I need you to give me your word you won’t share this with anyone. Including Madison.”
Cami held his gaze. “Would you trust my word?”
James studied her face so intently it felt as if he was reading her soul. A pang of what they’d lost hit her in the chest when he didn’t immediately answer in the affirmative. But what he saw must have satisfied him, because his expression cleared and he actually smiled. “Yes.”
Warmth flooded her. She liked the idea of James trusting her and sharing this secret with her a little more than was reasonable. She’d never kept secrets from Madison before, and this felt wrong. But if silence was James’s condition, she would agree.
“In that case, I promise I won’t divulge any of the information you share with me.”
James hesitated one more moment before leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. “The reason I didn’t argue with you about Matt being a murderer is because I think he is either directly involved or closely associated with at least three other murders.”
Cami gasped. “What? Who?”
“Over the last year, my brothers and sister have come across information that our father was poisoned in order to steal his fortune. Our family’s long-time housekeeper, Mrs. Woodson, was the first one to raise a red flag. She told Declan that, in the weeks before my father’s death, he refused to eat or drink anything not prepared by her.”
“He thought he was being poisoned,” Cami breathed. “That’s horrifying.”
James looked grim. “She was killed in a staged home invasion shortly after talking to Declan. Then my father’s longtime friend and doctor, Elliot Keller, had a crisis of conscience, and admitted to both Cara and Luke, that he, along with Dr. Keller’s son Chris and our stepmother Courtney were complicit in forging my father’s will. Dr. Keller swore he had nothing to do with my father’s murder, but I believe he knew Courtney was responsible. Why else forge the will?”
“Why doesn’t he go to the police?”
James’s face hardened. “Dr. Keller agreed to make a statement, but before it could be witnessed, he was killed. His home was set on fire to destroy the evidence.”
Cami shivered. “Someone is covering their tracks. Your stepmother?”
“And someone else. We don’t believe she’s working alone.”
“That’s why you were asking about thallium poisoning.” Cami’s mind raced. “You think whoever killed your father used thallium?”
“That’s why I wanted your research… to look for similarities.”
“But why aren’t the police involved? Mark never mentioned that Matt was under investigation for any other crimes. Maybe he doesn’t know? Your father died in Rhode Island, right?”
James’s face darkened. “My father’s death was ruled natural causes—a death certificate conveniently signed by Dr. Keller. Both Mrs. Woodson’s and Dr. Keller’s deaths are now under investigation, but other than something Matt let slip to us at Dahlia’s movie premiere, there is nothing to tie him to it.”
“He owns Peachtree Pictures, right?” Cami tried to put the pieces together. “What did Matt say?”
James leaned back against the cushions. “This past summer, Dr. Keller was recovering from major surgery, and Luke went to Rhode Island to confront him about his involvement in forging the will. When Luke arrived at the house, Dr. Keller’s nurse was leaving to pick up a prescription, and asked Luke to carry in a distinctive blanket from her car.