Page 86 of See You Again
“This is exactly what you were afraid of when we found each other again, wasn’t it? That we would eventually compare notes?”
Justin’s mouth opened and closed. He tried to look around James to catch Cami’s eyes. The roaring in James’s ears intensified, and he took a step toward Justin.
He wanted to rip Justin apart, but he was also furious at himself. For letting his pride get in the way. For not simply having a conversation. For making an impetuous, rash decision for the first time in his life that guaranteed that he wouldn’t have to see her again.
Layla erupted from the door of the restaurant. She took in the tense standoff of their group. “What’s going on?”
“Go inside, Layla. This doesn’t concern you.” Justin didn’t even bother to look at his girlfriend.
“What was your end game?” James was impressed that his voice was level when what he really wanted to do was beat the innocent expression off the man in front of him. “It was the long game, right? Stay her friend long enough so that one day she would turn to you? And you would know all the right things to say.”
If James thought Justin would fold with direct confrontation, he was wrong.
“I don’t know what he’s told you, Camellia. You know James can’t be trusted. Men like him just want to use you. I’m your friend. You know me.” Justin appealed to Cami, but James felt her fingers curl tight into the back of his shirt.
“Justin?” Layla came forward, a pinched look on her face. She looked from Cami standing behind James to Justin and back to Cami. “Oh my god, Justin. What did you do?”
“I said go inside!”
Cami stepped forward. “It’s okay, Layla. It’s just a misunderstanding that’s come to light.”
Trust Cami to try to put the other woman at ease. But that was who she was. Despite the tremble in her voice, she was shining her light on the other woman.
Layla’s shoulders crumpled, and she shook her head sadly. “It was always her, wasn’t it?”
Justin turned an annoyed look on her. “What are you talking about?”
“Camellia. She’s all you ever talk about.” Layla gestured to her body. “Do you think I never noticed the similarities, or when you told me how much better I’d look with darker hair?” She blew out a breath. “My friends are right. You’ve never loved me. I was just a placeholder until your precious Camellia finally wanted you.”
James’s estimation of the woman climbed.
“I’m sorry.” Cami said quietly behind him.
Layla glared at her. “I should have seen it.”
Justin’s focus ping-ponged between the women as James’s car pulled up. “Wait!”
“You lied to both of us,” James growled. “I can only imagine what your twisted motivation was, but you cost us years!”
“Camellia,” Justin begged. “You know you can’t trust him. He’ll say anything to get what he wants! I was trying to protect you!”
His eyes flickered nervously to James. Even when it was obvious he’d been exposed, Justin wouldn’t give up.
James’s fists clenched at his sides, and his body vibrated with anger. He couldn’t hit him. As much as James wanted to beat the shit out of the sniveling man for all the pain he’d caused, James couldn’t. His nostrils flared with his attempt to maintain his control. The last thing they needed was a public brawl in the parking lot of a restaurant.
“Protect me from what? You knew I loved him. How could you? Do you know how your lies made me feel? That the man I was in love with thought I was trash?” Cami’s voice broke.
James’s brain stalled, fixating on her words. “The man I loved…”
“You didn’t love him!” Justin whined, his arms outstretched. “You just thought you did. He could never love you the way I do. No one could.”
Behind him, Layla let out an exasperated snort and threw her arms in the air before turning to stalk back into the restaurant. It pulled James’s attention away from Justin long enough to see that a few people had exited the restaurant and were holding up their phones to film.
“You call this love?” Cami’s voice shook, but this time with anger. “You manipulated us for your own selfish reasons. You’re sick. I never want to speak to or see you again!”
As much as James wanted to end his former friend, he needed to get Cami away from the unpleasant scene that was sure to be plastered all over social media. He reached to take his keys from the wide-eyed valet, keeping his body between Cami and Justin as he reached to open the passenger car door for her.