Page 96 of See You Again
Cami yanked her eyes away. “Sorry, I was just thinking?”
“About what?”
Cami’s brain scrambled, and she blurted out the first thing that came to mind. “We have a new nasty troll.”
“A what?”
“You know. Anonymous keyboard warriors who leave rude comments under videos or on social media. Usually, we just ignore them. But this one is going a little farther than normal.”
“What happened?” The bite in his voice had Cami turning to face him.
Cami scrunched her nose. She shouldn’t have said anything. But the fact was, as much as she wanted to laugh it off, the truth was today’s incident had disturbed her. Combined with the intrusions she’d noticed at her house and being forced off the road last weekend, she was unnerved.
“We’ve always gotten the standard and extremely unimaginative threats, but today someone dropped off a flower arrangement.”
Cami felt, more than saw, James freeze. His knuckles turned white on the steering wheel. “Red roses?” His voice was hoarse.
“No, lilies.”
His shoulders relaxed a little, but he glanced at her before returning his eyes to the road. “Was there a threatening note?”
“Not exactly,” she said.
James was going to freak out. Gerry had.
“It was a funeral arrangement—with my name on it. A person commented on our tip line afterwards.
The air inside James’s car suddenly vibrated with tension, and she could feel the waves of anger rolling off him. “What did the police say?”
“I didn’t call them.”
“Why not?” He snapped. “That’s a death threat, Cami. You need to hire protection.”
“James, people have threatened us before. This isn’t new, just more creative.” She placed her hand on his rigid forearm, surprised when the muscle rippled under her fingertips.
“This isn’t a joke. My sister had a stalker. She didn’t think it was serious either, until he tried to kill her.”
James’s intense anger suddenly made more sense. “I’m sorry.”
“She’s fine. But she should have told us before. We could have helped. I’ll get someone to track where the messages are coming from. Most likely, it’s someone tied to the case. If it were an attention seeker, they wouldn’t spend the money on the flowers. I’m assuming your office’s address is on the website?”
Cami shivered. That had been her concern, but with Gerry terrified and Madison with enough on her plate, she’d had kept her fears to herself.
“It’s not actually.”
James’s eyes turned to bore into her, but she kept hers on the windshield as a new feeling of foreboding washed over her.
“We have a post office box.”
“Somehow they found your physical address and cared enough to send flowers.”
Cami could hear his harsh breath and saw his hands flex on the steering wheel.
“I agree. Not great. But who is it? The killer? Or one of the people we’ve been talking about who doesn’t want to be connected to the case? Or just a nut who wants attention?”