Page 129 of See You Maybe
“You’re aware I don’t actually have the flu, and I’m not going to get much rest in that bed.”
Declan grinned at her.
“Besides,” Olivia said, reaching for an oversized cardigan. “I’m starving.”
She wrapped her hair into a messy knot at the back of her head and looked back at him. Declan was staring at her with an odd look on his face.
Heat rose on her cheeks, and she tugged at the hem of her cardigan. Over the last two years of living alone, Olivia didn’t bother with cute lingerie anymore.
Kyle’s insistence on her looking good, even relaxing at home, had spoiled it for her. It hadn’t occurred to her until this second what Declan would think of her outfit. He was used to seeing her dressed for work. Now as he stared at her, the sheet puddled at his hips and his impressive torso on display, she was embarrassed.
“You are fucking perfection.” The reverence in his voice made her body unclench.
“You don’t have to flatter me to get me back in bed. Once I’ve eaten, all bets are off.”
Declan shook his head. “I’m not. This whole…” He waved his hand at her outfit. “What do you call this look? Homeless chic? It’s perfect.” He rose from the bed and walked naked to frame her face. “I love you, and I love that you aren’t afraid to be yourself with me.”
He lowered his head to kiss her neck, and she felt him harden against her as her stomach growled. Declan laughed. “Okay, you win. Food first.”
Olivia made a quick omelet while Declan made coffee and toasted some of the bread from the night before. They moved around each other, assembling breakfast in the same easy way they had at the cottage. It was as though no time had passed, instead of the twelve years since they last cooked breakfast together.
Olivia was feeling emotionally wrung out over everything that had happened, but she still had questions. She was about to test Declan’s theory that he loved that she was herself with him.
“Why didn’t you tell me who you really were in Dublin? Did you not trust me?”
Declan ran a hand back through his hair. “That wasn’t it. It’s hard to explain. When we met, you assumed I was the bouncer, the same way I assumed your name was Rose.”
Olivia’s cheeks heated. “I thought about telling you, but when we said it was temporary, I decided it wouldn’t hurt to be someone else that week.”
Declan’s eyes met hers. “It was the same for me. You know about my family now—how complicated everything is.”
“When I saw your picture on the cover of Trend magazine, it was a bit of a shock.” Olivia gave him a wry smile. “The handsome Irish bouncer I fell in love with looked like the king of the world, and the news that actually hurt the most… He was an American. That did a number on my fantasy,” she joked.
Declan took her hand, stroking his thumb across the delicate skin over her knuckles. “I am Irish—half, anyway. I didn’t live full time in the States until I was twelve. Before that, I only visited my father for the summers along with my brothers, and Cara when she was old enough.
“It was decided that to be properly raised as my father’s heir apparent, he needed to have more direct control over me.” Olivia turned her palm over and interlaced her fingers with his. “Frankly, I’m a little offended you didn’t recognize me,” he teased. “I’m kind of a big deal.”
Olivia’s lips twitched. “Sorry.”
“I loved it. You didn’t know who I was, and you didn’t care when you thought I was a bouncer helping at the family bar.”
“Well, to be fair, you came with a super-hot body, poetry, and an adorable cottage, so…”
Declan laughed and got up to retrieve the coffee carafe.
“Once I knew who you were… I cyber stalked you,” Olivia admitted. “I wanted to see if any of it was true.”
“It was all true, Petal. The important parts.”
Olivia took a deep breath. She needed to ask the question, but wasn’t sure she wanted the answer. “Did you ever look for me?”
Declan swallowed hard. “No, I didn’t let myself. I knew if I found out where you were, I wouldn’t be able to stay away. And I had to.”
“Why?” Her voice was small.
Declan squeezed his eyes shut for a beat before opening them again. “Something happened after you left. I had every intention of tracking you down when I got back to New York… but after… It was impossible.” Olivia’s fingers twitched in his, but Declan tightened his hold.
“What happened?” Declan shook his head, his lips in a firm line. “It was that bad?” He didn’t break eye contact. “I told you I might have killed someone, and you didn’t bat one of your ridiculously long eyelashes. It can’t be worse than that.”