Page 133 of See You Maybe
Olivia’s heartbeat thundered as Declan again had her body coiled tight with need.
“Declan!” His lips covered hers, swallowing her cries.
His powerful arm came around her hips to pull her to the edge of the desk, pressing her chest against his, as his rhythm became frenzied. Olivia could feel his heart pounding through the layers between them, their pulses almost matching pace. This man. Declan buried his face in her neck and let out a roar, only somewhat muffled by her skin.
When Todd returned, they were working again, but by his red cheeks, Olivia suspected he knew exactly what had occurred in his absence.
“We are totally getting written up by Human Resources.” Olivia giggled when Todd shut the door behind him.
Declan grunted, and put a piece of sushi in her mouth. “I’ll give him a raise.”
The next few weeks were the happiest Olivia had ever known. They did their best to hide their relationship from everyone at Armstrong, but she knew from the looks she got that they hadn’t been entirely successful. Olivia couldn’t remember being this at peace in her life, and she knew it showed.
There was still no word on Kyle which was worrying, but Declan assured her that if Kyle had died of his wound they would have heard. Even if he’d wandered off and collapsed somewhere that night, his family would have reported him missing.
“You don’t need to worry, Olivia. I won’t let him get anywhere near you.”
Olivia had spent so long taking care of herself, feeling like she was alone, being told that her problems were taken care of was a heady sensation. She wasn’t an idiot. When Declan’s friend Alex found Kyle, he wasn’t going to hand him a cookie and give him a stern talking to. Maybe it made her a bad person that she didn’t care what happened to Kyle—but the truth was, Olivia didn’t. Each night, as Declan’s strong arms held her close, her sense of safety grew.
Declan had rearranged his life to be with her every day, but after a few weeks, there were meetings he needed to attend in New York. When he kissed her goodbye that morning, an uneasy feeling settled like a rock in Olivia’s stomach. Over the years, she had learned to listen to her instincts. It often meant the difference between a dinner plate thrown against the wall and a semi-pleasant dinner.
“Wait,” Olivia said, as he pulled away.
“I have to go, baby.”
“I know it’s…” She didn’t know how to put what she was feeling into words without sounding dramatic or clingy. There was no concrete reason for them. There’d been no sign of Kyle. And with the Fort Knox setup Declan had installed at her house, Olivia knew she was as safe as she could be.
Declan smoothed her hair back and sank to the side of the bed. “Are you worried?”
“It’s...” Words failed her, and she swallowed before trying again. “It feels like if you leave, it could all disappear.”
Every day they had breakfast together, before driving to work separately, and then frequently saw each other during the workday, ending with a dinner at home, curled up on the couch reading or watching a movie. It was deliciously normal.
In the low light of the early morning, she saw how her admission affected him. Declan cupped her cheeks and brushed a kiss across her lips. “I will always come back to you, Petal. Always.”
“I don’t want to wait another twelve years,” Olivia whispered, her throat clogged with emotion. It wasn’t a fair thing to say, but it was how she felt.
Declan inhaled a ragged breath and lowered his head until his lips hovered an inch over hers. “Nothing,” he whispered against her mouth. Then he repeated the word in a fierce tone. “Nothing will ever keep me from coming back for you.”
His lips descended, and Olivia whimpered, opening her mouth, encouraging him to deepen the kiss—to stay with her a little longer.
“I’ll be back in four days.”
God, when did I become so needy? This is embarrassing.
Except Declan didn’t seem to mind. He seemed to crave hearing how much she wanted to be with him as much as she needed to tell him. “I promise.”
The panicky feeling in her chest settled a little. Declan hesitated, then said, “You will be protected at all times. Brady and Vincent’s man will be outside every night I’m gone.”
His words momentarily distracted her from her nerves, and Olivia frowned. “Someone will be watching me?”
Declan nodded. “It’s only when I can’t be with you. If something else less immediate comes up, call one of my brothers.” He made a face. “Or my brother-in-law. Tell them who you are to me, and they will help.” He stroked her cheek with his knuckle.
“And who am I?”
Olivia meant it to sound teasing, but Declan’s face was serious as he stared down at her. “You are the most precious thing in my life.” Declan brushed her hair back. “I understand if you don’t like the idea of being watched, but I can’t function if I don’t know you are safe.” He leaned forward and pressed his forehead against hers. “Don’t be upset.” He pulled back, his eyes burning into hers. “Without you…”