Page 135 of See You Maybe
His smile was so cold, uncertainty flickered in Alan’s expression. “My father’s murder might have distracted me for a moment, but I think it’s time you and the rest of the world remember exactly who it is you’re dealing with.”
Declan tugged on the man’s tie. “And if your viper of a daughter comes near Olivia again, or does anything I feel could be traced back to her…” Declan let his mask slip, allowing the man to see his rage. “I will bury you, and that is not a figure of speech.”
“You’ll regret this, Bloom. You aren’t half the man your father was.”
Declan didn’t even bother looking back when he said, “Thank god for that.”
A few nights later, after his plane landed, Declan made a brief stop on his way to the house to pick up Olivia’s surprise.
Declan: I’ll be there in about an hour need to make a stop first.
Olivia: I can’t wait. I made spaghetti Bolognese hope that’s okay.
Declan smiled. A year ago, he would have eaten at whatever exclusive restaurant Todd had made a reservation. Tonight, he couldn’t wait to sit at her small kitchen table and eat a pasta dinner.
Using his thumb print to unlock the door, Declan adjusted the red bow around the neck of the puppy tucked under his arm. Olivia stepped into view, her face full of welcome, until her gaze fell to the bundle in his arms. Her hands flew to her mouth with a gasp, and Declan’s stomach shifted.
Was it too much? Was he rushing her?
“You got me a puppy.” Olivia’s voice quivered.
“You said you always wanted one. He’s a German Shepherd, but if you’d rather…” Declan was having a hard time reading the emotion on her face.
Is she happy? Freaked out?
“He’s perfect,” Olivia exclaimed, rushing forward to take the now squirming puppy out of his arms. She held him close, smothering his nose with kisses. “Aren’t you, Oscar?”
Warmth spread through him even as he rolled his eyes at her name choice. “Oscar? Really?”
“Don’t listen to the silly man, Oscar.” Olivia carried the puppy into the kitchen, Declan forgotten. He grinned at her retreating back. The look of sheer joy on her face, and the fact he’d been the one to put it there, made his chest swell.
Declan was clearing the dishes when Olivia’s phone lit up on the counter. The contact displayed made his blood run cold before swiftly heating to sizzle through his veins. He snatched up the phone, his grip so tight he was surprised the screen didn’t crack.
“What is this?” Declan barked, lifting the phone. When Olivia flinched, her face leached of color, his heart dropped to his stomach. “Oh, fuck. Baby. I didn’t mean… I’m sorry,” he said, setting the phone down, running an agitated hand back through his hair. “I’m not mad… I…”
Olivia’s face was blank, completely devoid of expression, which had a terrifying combination of fear and fury running through him. When Declan got his hands on Kyle Armstrong, he was going to enjoy every second he made the abusive asshole suffer.
Declan kept his voice soft, his hands relaxed at his sides. “Petal, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have yelled. I’m not angry.”
Olivia’s chin tilted up, and he was relieved to see even that small sign of challenge.
“Not at you.” He amended. Declan moved slowly toward her, his hand outstretched, almost like he would with a frightened animal. “But even if I were. Even if I were furious with you, I would never hurt you.” His fingertips brushed her shoulders, running lightly down to her elbows and back up again. “I promised you I would never let anyone hurt you again, and that includes me.”
Olivia released a long, shuddery breath, and her stiff shoulders slumped forward. “I know. I’m sorry. I hate that I still react that way sometimes.” Her eyes met his, and his chest cracked open at the fear and vulnerability he saw there. “I’m trying, I really am. I know you wouldn’t hurt me like that… it’s… a reflex.”
“I know.”
“It doesn’t make any sense.” Olivia scowled, frustration evident in every line of her body. “I’ve done everything the therapist told me to do. It shouldn’t happen anymore.”
Declan tugged her to him and laid a cheek against the top of her head. “I don’t think this kind of thing is a linear equation. I did A therefore B. Even if it were, it was only a couple of weeks ago that Kyle attacked you. I think you have been amazingly brave after what happened.”
Olivia huffed an angry breath, but nuzzled deeper into his chest. His arms tightened around her. Declan wished he had been there for her during the years she had shouldered this alone. All the years Olivia felt like she had to hide what was happening to her.
“You are an incredible woman, and you have nothing to be ashamed of.”
“Why were you upset about the phone?” He heard her ask against his chest, and he let her go when she stepped back.