Page 145 of See You Maybe
Olivia’s face was serious. “I had put most of the night in New York out of my mind, but after tonight, I was thinking about the things Courtney said… and what you said tonight.”
“What did I say?”
“That I could have died because of you.”
Had he said that? “I was angry?—”
“Don’t lie to me,” Olivia said quietly.
Declan traced the delicate lines of her face and then sighed, sinking back down next to her, and pulling her into his arms.
“I swear I never touched her. Though she tried… relentlessly. Before she went after my father, Courtney came on to me, hard. Chris was there the night we met at a party. I have to believe that was where they first met as well—or at least they didn’t seem to know each other.”
He threw an arm over his eyes. “But looking back… I don’t know that I can trust anything Chris ever said or did. He completely fooled me. I turned her down at the party, but over the next several months, she seemed to be everywhere I was, always making it abundantly clear she was available.”
“How did she end up with your father?”
“I don’t know. I think she had her eyes set on the Bloom fortune and thought she could manipulate me. She’s a beautiful woman, but there was no chance I was going there.”
“Because you’re impervious to manipulation?” Olivia drawled.
She snorted a soft laugh. Declan tucked her hair behind her ear and stroked his fingers down her cheek and over her lips. “In order to be manipulated you have to have a heart.”
A tiny frown formed in her eyes. “You have a heart, Declan.”
He shook his head with a soft smile. “I’d already left it with you.”
The next two weeks passed quickly. As much as Declan hated leaving Olivia, it was necessary to fly to each of the major shareholders’ homes around the country to meet with them in person. He was on his way back to a private airport outside of Billings, Montana, when Brady’s name appeared on his screen.
“What’s wrong?”
“Your girl’s got a visitor. Want us to intervene?”
“It’s a woman. She sat in her car for awhile, so we ran an image search. It’s her ex’s cousin.”
The friend. Jessica. Declan’s jaw tightened. This woman, who should have looked out for Olivia, and had let her down. As much as he would like to get revenge, once he learned the woman had two small sons, he’d held off. That didn’t mean Jessica got off completely free. One of Brady’s cyber guys added some questionable items to her internet search history. For the rest of her life, Declan hoped Jessica wondered why TSA always selected her for additional screening. It was petty, but it made him smile.
“What do you want us to do? She’s at the door.”
“Olivia let her in?”
Declan wanted to tell Brady to instruct his man to swoop in and remove the traitor, but he knew Olivia would kill him if he interfered.
“Tell them to keep their eyes peeled. I’m on my way home now.”
“You’re going back to New York?” When Declan didn’t answer, Brady chuckled. “Just kidding. You Bloom men are so sensitive about your women.”
Declan ended the call and immediately dialed another. “I need a favor.”
“Anything,” his sister’s voice immediately responded.
“I need you to take dinner to Olivia’s house.”