Page 169 of See You Maybe
Was that Cara? She sounded like she was crying.
“Car-bear,” Declan licked his lips and tried again. Why couldn’t he open his eyes? He tried to lift his hand only to have it drop as a sharp pain in his shoulder sent agony shooting through him.
“Easy,” Luke said, his voice uncharacteristically concerned. “They backed off your pain meds. Take it slow.”
Urgent need seized his chest. He needed to go. There was some place he needed to be…
Firm hands pushed him gently back, and his weakness only fueled his anger as Declan sank against the pillow.
“You’re going to rip the lines out,” James’s voice was gruff.
Declan winced as the sharp pain returned, but his mind was a little clearer now, and he tried to grasp the thought floating on the edge of his consciousness.
He was on his knees, knew he was going to die, but he needed to…
“Olivia,” Declan gasped. Panic crested like a wave in his chest, and he fought to sit up. “I have to get to…”
“She’s here, and she’s safe,” Cara soothed. “Olivia is in the hallway talking to Siobhan and Anne. I’ll get her.”
Declan winced as he shifted. “I’m alive then?”
James glowered at him. “Not for lack of trying.”
Declan grit his teeth against the pain. “Olivia is okay? You got there in time?” His eyes sought his brothers, needing to hear them say it again. Needed to hear that Olivia was safe and unharmed.
Luke nodded, a smile on his face. “She’s fine. Brady’s men got there before us. Lucky for you, one of them used to be a field medic.” Luke's face twitched with emotion. “You almost died, Dec.”
“Olivia.” Declan’s throat was raw. “Was she hurt? Did Chris?—”
“She’s a little banged up, but she’s okay.” James smiled.
Declan hissed out a breath. “Good. I would have liked for him to suffer, but I’m glad they got him.”
Luke and James exchanged a look.
“They?” Luke asked.
“Brady’s men.”
Luke coughed to cover up a chuckle. “Yeah. Chris was already dead when they got there.”
Declan frowned.
“Olivia stabbed him and then cracked his skull open for good measure. They found her doing her best to save your insane ass,” James informed him. “The two of you are perfect for each other.”
Declan’s eyes widened. “She was supposed to get out. The window was right there. Are you telling me she stayed?” The heart monitor began beeping rapidly.
The door opened, and Olivia, a bandage marring her beautiful face, strode in, glaring first at the machine and then at his brothers.
“He needs to stay calm.”
James lifted his hands in surrender. “It wasn’t us.”
“You were supposed to jump out the window.”