Page 30 of See You Maybe
Declan felt like his heart was in his throat, and his pride was screaming at him to shut up, but instead of listening, he was honest with her.
“Last night was incredible. Fuck, that doesn’t even begin to do it justice… But it’s more than that. I can’t explain it, and I know it doesn’t make sense, but there’s something here, and I know I’m not the only one to feel it.”
Rose’s eyes were wide, and she stared at him unblinking.
“I know any sort of future is out of the question. We live in different worlds… but one week…”
Declan held his breath. This was the most vulnerable he’d ever made himself to another human, but he didn’t regret it. Didn’t regret shedding the mask he wore every day. “You can trust me.”
A little smile lifted her lips. “I know. I don’t know how I know, but I do.”
Declan’s pulse raced. “Does that mean?”
“Yes, Declan Riordan. I’ll spend the week with you.”
“Yeah?” She grinned. “That sex fest sounded pretty enticing.”
While Declan retrieved his things from his mother’s home and rented a car, Rose rescheduled her flight for six days later out of the Shannon Airport in southern Ireland.
Taking her suitcase and putting it in the tiny backseat, he held her door open for her.
“Are you sure?”
Rose laughed. “You're making me think you didn't want me to say yes.”
Declan kissed her hard on the lips. “It was the best thing I’d ever heard.”
Her eyes grew misty, and Declan felt his heart thump hard. If he wasn’t careful, he was going to fall in love with this girl. That would be a disaster.
“Where are we going?” she asked, staring out the window as they left the city and merged onto the highway.
“I thought we’d head south. Spend the night somewhere near Kilkenny. It’s beautiful.” Declan rubbed at his thigh. Was he nervous? What the hell? “There’s, uh, a castle and some other historic stuff… if you like that kind of thing.”
Rose reached for his hand, bringing it to rest in her lap. “I love that kind of thing.”
Kilkenny wasn’t far, and while Declan had never particularly enjoyed car trips, preferring his father’s private jet, the hours on the road were some of the most relaxed and fun Declan could remember.
Rose put on early 2000s era pop music, singing along and teasing him until he joined in. After strolling the town hand in hand and convincing her to visit a small farm distillery, they ate dinner in a pub where Rose declared ham and cheese toasties the perfect food.
That night, when the person in the room next door banged on the wall, after the second time Rose screamed his name, and he covered her mouth with his hand, Declan realized he'd never been happier.
“This looks like it was plucked out of a storybook.” Olivia’s face was practically pressed to the window as they entered the scenic drive around the Ring of Kerry.
Warmth filled his chest. He’d spent the first part of his life in Dublin, and later full time with his father in Rhode Island, but this area of Ireland would always feel like home.
Her head swiveled back and forth, looking out his window, then through the windshield, before returning to her own side.
“Are you getting hungry?” Declan eyed the puffy white clouds. “The weather is nice now, but that’s no guarantee it won’t change in an hour.”
They’d ordered a picnic lunch from a small shop in Kilkenny before they left. While waiting for it to prepared, Rose had dragged him into several shops along the high street. She had only brought a couple of outfits as her trip was intended to last just a couple of days. As she oohed and aahed, taking forever to pick out the woolen sweater she wanted, Declan was more than content to wait. She added a couple pairs of leggings, a few T-shirts, and a loose skirt to her pile before wandering over to inspect a display of teacups.
She picked up each one, her nail tracing the unique designs. When her brow wrinkled, and she put it back, he joined her. “Do you want it?”
Rose shrugged, but she chewed her lip. “It’s not very practical. What am I going to do with one tea cup?”
Declan smiled. “Start a collection.”