Page 33 of See You Maybe
Rose’s lips twisted to the side, but he could see by the light in her eyes his words had gotten through. “Twenty-three, give or take a day.”
Declan stared at her. “You’re only twenty-three?”
She ticked off facts on her fingers. “Early birthday, skipped second grade, didn’t exactly love high school so I graduated early, and then took college classes year round.” She shrugged like she hadn’t just revealed an impressive accomplishment.
“I’m having sex with a child prodigy,” he laughed, only half kidding.
She snorted, rising to her feet. “Not a prodigy, just someone who had a goal.”
Declan reached for her, tugging her back down so that she straddled him, one knee on either side of his hips. Propped up on his arms, he brushed her loose hair back behind her ears. “I think you might be one of the most remarkable people I’ve ever met.”
She flushed, the color tinting her porcelain skin. Her head ducked and then lifted to meet his gaze. “Thank you.”
He looked at her quizzically as she planted her hands flat against his chest.
“For listening. For seeing me.”
Warmth filled Declan’s chest, her words hitting him harder than they should. “I’m so glad you got drunk the other night,” he joked, afraid to examine what he was feeling. It felt wonderful and dangerous all at the same time.
Her body shook with laughter, making her hips rock against him, her fingers catching in his T-shirt.
“You are ridiculous, Declan Riordan.” She smiled against his lips, and then hers moved, their soft warmth gliding over his. “You make me feel like I belong just for being me. I’m not sure I’ve ever felt that way before.”
“Neither have I,” he murmured as his mouth crushed hers. His lips and teeth soon traveled down her neck and Rose angled her head to give him access to the soft spot just below her jaw that never failed to make her squirm. Her rose perfume filled his nose as he sucked on her neck, his cock turning to stone as she rocked against him.
“Ahem!” A loud voice nearby broke through his lust-filled brain, and Declan turned his head to see an older gentleman with a walking stick glaring at them.
“This is a public place.” The man scowled, as Rose hid her face in his chest.
“Right. Sorry.”
They gathered the rest of their lunch items, and Declan held the basket in front of his jeans. Rose had dissolved into giggles by the time he shut her car door. He rested his forehead against the steering wheel, his own sides heaving with laughter.
“I totally forgot where we were,” she wheezed.
As Declan started the car and pulled back onto the narrow two-lane road, it hit him that he had too. When he was with Rose, he felt like a normal twenty-five-year-old, free to make out in public.
He grabbed her hand and held it tight, pulling their clasped hands onto his thigh. She glanced over at him, but he didn’t want to talk. His need to be with her felt like it was on almost a cellular level, and that was terrifying because they only had four days left.
New York—Present Day
“Wow!” Stuart exclaimed, when the elevator doors opened in the lobby, and she found the rest of the Armstrong Electronics group waiting.
“I could say the same.” Olivia smiled. “You all look very handsome.” And they did. All three were attired in black tuxes and bow ties. “You clean up well.” She kept her voice friendly, but didn’t let her gaze land on Kyle. He was handsome, but Olivia knew all too well what his boyish good looks were hiding.
Richard beamed. “You’ve always looked beautiful in blue.”
Olivia felt beautiful. She made it a point to dress well at work—thank you, Grandma Rose—but she didn’t get the opportunity to dress up like this frequently. She had splurged on a shopping spree at a high-end boutique in Buckhead. The strapless, sapphire silk gown with buttons up the back, fit her like a glove, and the stylist had talked her into topping it with two short ropes of pearls that rested just below her collarbone.
Stuart offered her his arm. “Bloom Communications sent a car.”
Tucking her hand into the crook of his elbow, she walked with him to the exit. Olivia climbed inside the limousine, feeling glamorous and confident.
The private club where the gala took place was only a short ride away on the Upper East Side. Spotlights lit up the building’s white stone façade, and Olivia shivered as she emerged from the car into the cold, New York air.
“I can’t believe you didn’t bring a coat. It’s December,” Kyle sniped at her, as he buttoned his tuxedo jacket. His eyes scanned her bare shoulders and lingered on her cleavage longer than she would have liked. “But then you always have to be different.”