Page 36 of See You Maybe
Olivia’s gaze fell on the empty seat next to Fiona.
But before the beauty could reply, Chris gripped Courtney’s elbow and said in a low tone, “You are making a scene. If you can’t control yourself, go home.”
Courtney wrenched her arm away. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Hide me away while you do whatever with…” Her vicious stare landed on Olivia. “Whoever.”
Thankfully, Stuart came to her rescue. “Olivia,” he said, rising in his seat, doing his best not to stare at the scene unfolding. “I’ve been looking for you.”
Olivia sank gratefully into the seat next to him. On her other side was an older gentleman with snow white hair and a haughty expression. The entire Bloom Communications’ table watched as Chris maneuvered a wobbly Courtney into a seat on the far side of the round table.
Olivia was thankful for the large centerpiece that partially shielded her from Courtney’s glare.
“I don’t know which fool put the Blooms at a table so close to ours,” the older man sniffed. “They should be fired. Unless the drama is what they are after.” He turned to Olivia. “Alan Carrol, and this is Helene.” A bored looking young woman next to him nodded at Olivia.
“You must be Olivia Adler. The CFO.” He kept talking not waiting for a response. Apparently, her input to the conversation wasn’t necessary. “I’m a member of the Bloom Communications board and an investor with Bloom Capital. So whichever bid you choose, I win.”
Without another word, the older man began picking at the salad plate the servers had placed in front of each of them. Olivia met Helene’s eyes and was surprised when the woman rolled hers, before opening her purse and popping a small white pill in her mouth.
Olivia’s appetite had vanished but she forced herself to take several bites. She hadn’t had anything since a smoothie that morning and the tea in the afternoon.
“Have you been on the board long?” She heard Stuart ask.
“Decades,” Alan answered between bites, clearly uninterested in talking to any of them.
“What was all that about?” Kyle, never one for discretion, jerked his head toward the table where the Blooms were seated.
Unfortunately, from where Olivia was sitting, the family was in her sight line, the one empty seat mocking her. It hadn’t occurred to her that Declan might be attending, but now seeing the empty chair… Maybe Declan wasn’t coming. She squashed the disappointment that settled in her chest.
Even if he does…
He doesn’t remember you.
Alan looked at Kyle for a moment, and then shrugged. “It’s not a secret. That’s the Bloom family. Their father, David, founded Bloom Communications. There has been a rift ever since his death when his eldest son, Declan, was removed as CEO.”
“Really?” Kyle twisted in his seat to look.
“Yes. Luke and James are the twins. The brunette is James’s wife.” The older man’s eyes cut to Courtney and Chris. “Camellia is a famous podcaster.”
Was the man trying to start a fight? “The blonde with her back to us is Cara Bloom, well now Evans. She married this year as well. That must be her husband next to her.”
Olivia snuck a peek at the handsome man in glasses.
Kyle squinted and then gasped. “That’s Lia Everton, the movie star, right? Fuck yeah. I’d love to meet her.”
Olivia felt a tinge of embarrassment before she remembered she wasn’t responsible for his behavior anymore.
“Yes,” Alan drawled. “Next to Luke Bloom.”
“Who’s the other one? She’s hot.” Kyle ogled Fiona, and Alan’s face tightened.
“That is my daughter, Fiona.” His words were clipped.
Kyle slugged back more of his drink. “So, why’s she sitting over there instead of here? Aren’t they like… the enemy?”
“Yes,” Courtney suddenly exclaimed, having followed the conversation. “The Blooms are demons set on destroying me just because their father loved me and left me his fortune. They are horrible, horrible people. They never cared about their father. I’m the one who took care of him. I deserved it.” Her voice trembled with self-righteousness.
Alan made a face. “Declan and his father had their issues, but Declan was always loyal to the company.”
“You’re only saying that because you want him to marry Fiona,” Courtney exclaimed. “I’ve heard the rumors. Fiona’s telling everyone who will listen that they’re practically engaged. Don’t think I don’t see the maneuvering going on around me. You’re trying to steal what’s mine and put Declan back in charge.”