Page 45 of See You Maybe
His narrowed glance went to the glass in front of her before it returned to her. Her ex-husband rose, and came to Olivia’s side taking her elbow just as Chris also reached for her. The two men exchanged words but Declan couldn’t hear them through the rushing in his ears and the pounding of his heart.
He was going to fucking lose it if that asshole didn’t take his hand off her. And Declan wasn’t sure he cared any more.
Olivia was blinking slowly as though she wasn’t fully aware of what was happening around her, but he’d seen her face crumple when her ex touched her.
Declan’s hands shook as he clenched them into fists, trying to hang on to his control. His lungs constricted barely easing when Kyle removed his hand.
Slowly, appearing to concentrate on every step, Olivia stepped away from the two men and maneuvered between the tables using the seat backs for support.
His pulse raced and he clenched his jaw, fighting the urge to charge after her. The intense need to protect her was painful to resist.
“Wow,” Fiona laughed. “That’s mortifying.”
Declan ignored her, his entire existence focused on Olivia’s elegant form as she reached the stairs.
She’s fine. She’s here with her coworkers. They’ll help her. They are her family.
His eyes searched her table and then scanned the room. Where the fuck was her father-in-law or even the one who mooned after her?
Olivia had one foot on the lowest step when she paused, swaying slightly. Everything in him screamed to get up. The desire to make sure she was safe beat in his blood, and it took every ounce of his willpower to keep him in his seat.
You can’t. There are too many eyes here.
His brain whirled as he searched for a solution.
She’s drunk. It’s fine. It’s not the first time she’s been drunk in the last twelve years.
Which was quickly followed by frustrated fury as he wondered who’d brought her a sports drink the next morning. Who’d taken care of her?
It should have been me.
Declan had almost convinced himself that she was all right, when he registered the change on Chris’s face. His expression was calculated as he trailed after Olivia to the steps.
Declan’s lungs felt like they were on fire, and his heart thundered against his ribs. He couldn’t let…
“Go.” Declan heard Wes say, and in unison, the three women rose and hurried after Olivia. He wasn’t the only one observing what was happening. He dragged air into his chest, ignoring the looks his brothers were casting in his direction.
“Where are they going?” Fiona asked, staring after the women as they hurried to catch up to Olivia and Chris as they reached the top of the stairs.
Declan blew out a breath. It was going to be okay. His sisters would make sure Olivia got in a car, and then when she got to her hotel…
“Excuse me.” Declan stood abruptly, avoiding eye contact with his brothers as he headed for the stairs. Their footsteps thudded close behind as he took the stairs two at a time.
What the fuck was he doing?
Still, his legs carried him forward. He would just make sure she got in a car…
In the foyer, he saw the trio of women surrounding Chris, blocking his exit. From the look on Cara’s face, she was arguing as she tried to take Olivia’s arm. Olivia was limp, her entire weight sagged against Chris, her head lolling to the side.
Chris had one arm wrapped around Olivia’s waist, his hand on her ribcage far too close to her breasts. Declan’s vision tunneled, and all he heard was the blood in his ears. He snarled when a muscular arm caught him, pulling him to a stop, barely registering Wes and Luke rushing past him to join the women.
“I don’t know what’s going on, or who she is to you, but you look like you are about to dismember him,” James hissed in his ear. “And I can’t let you do that in public. Pick a time, and I’ll be by your side. But not here.”
Declan twisted in his brother’s grip, trying to shake him off, but James’s grip tightened. “Wait. Let us help you. They won’t let Chris hurt her. If you were thinking straight, you’d know this is the wrong play.”
Declan was conscious of his chest rising and falling, the need to commit violence strong, but through the murderous haze, his brother’s words seeped in. James was right.
“Get your fucking hands off me.”