Page 68 of See You Maybe
The pain was spreading to her temples, a viselike grip that would soon have her entire skull at its mercy. “I am aware. Bloom Communications responded within an hour of receiving them. Richard felt it showed how much they cared.”
She sighed. Declan was making her tense, and her neck muscles contracting weren’t helping stave off what was shaping up to be a killer migraine.
“To be honest, it all came down to employee retention. You were upfront about the fact your plan included the elimination of positions. Richard wants his company to live on, not be stripped down to be sold again.”
The muscle in Declan’s jaw ticked. “So, this isn’t personal? This isn’t because I didn’t remember things the way you did.”
Olivia shook her head, and then immediately regretted the movement when her eye twitched. “My god, your ego!” She rubbed at her temples. “You honestly believe I would tank a deal, for the company I’ve dedicated my entire adult life to growing, because you hurt my feelings?”
He tilted his head. “Did I hurt your feelings?”
“Ma’am,” the annoyed voice of the cashier cut through their tension.
“Right. Sorry.” Olivia stepped forward but refused to acknowledge Declan when he put the bottles and her purse on the counter.
The first bout of nausea hit her as she pulled her credit card from the reader, snatched her bags, and with a terse Merry Christmas, bolted from the store as a second cashier rang up Declan next to her.
She had to get out of there. Between what she knew would be an awful evening with her family and running into Declan, Olivia had reached her limit.
Freaking anxiety-induced migraines. Her body constantly failing her made Olivia feel weak. But she didn’t slow her pace until she reached the safety of her car. She grabbed for her door handle, the remote key unlocking the door.
Declan’s large hand appeared next to hers, and he pushed the door shut, crowding her against the car. Furious energy rolled off him in waves.
Her stomach tightened into a knot, and a vise tightened around her lungs as panic began its crawl through her veins, and her head throbbed.
She breathed deep through her nose. “Step back.” Her voice wasn’t nearly as strong as she’d intended. He didn’t budge. “Now.”
Abruptly, he stepped back, and Olivia turned to face him. Declan’s face was blank, but his eyes were concerned as they scanned over her. She held a hand out for him to keep his distance. He looked from her trembling hand, suspended in the air between them, back to her face, his mouth turning down.
“I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“Then you shouldn’t accost women in parking lots.” Olivia said, leaning into her anger. “I know you are upset?—”
“Chris is going to gut your company. He’s lying. Bloom Communications has no need for an electronics development company. All he wants is XEROS, and he is only saying what you want to hear in order to get it.”
“The employee retention clause will be in the contract.” Olivia ignored the rising pressure in her head. These were the same arguments she’d given the board, but had been ignored.
Olivia had been fighting for months… years, really. She was exhausted.
“There won’t be any employees to retain if he shuts the doors. You can’t trust him.”
“And I should trust you? That’s a bit like the pot and kettle, isn’t it? You’ll say whatever it takes to get what you want, too. Chris might be a liar, but I already know you are one.” Olivia took a deep breath. “Look, it’s done. This is over.”
“The fuck it is,” Declan growled.
“The board voted.”
Declan’s lips parted, probably to argue, just as a fiery arrow of pain lanced across both eyes. His expression changed in a heartbeat. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. You gave me a headache with your stubbornness. I’m late for my parents, and I know you have somewhere to be as well.”
Olivia forced herself to meet his eyes. This was it. There was no reason for her to see him again.
The tightness in her chest intensified but it had nothing to do with her anxiety. “Goodbye, Declan.”
He stared at her silently as she yanked open the door and tossed the wine into the passenger seat. As she pulled away, she saw him still standing in the same position watching her.