Page 70 of See You Maybe
Dahlia gave him a funny look. “Declan, you swooped in like a superhero and carried her off. We didn’t hear from you for days. No one is buying that there is nothing between the two of you.”
“It’s business. She was drunk, and you three…” He lifted a brow to include Cami as she sauntered up. “Were going to drop her. I was trying to avoid a scene.”
“Mm. Yes. You carrying her like a bride over the threshold… That definitely didn’t cause a scene. Besides, she wasn’t drunk.”
Declan glared at his sister. “Thanks for your expert analysis.”
“I’m just saying I’ve never seen anyone go from upright to incoherent that fast. Except in Ibiza.”
“She wasn’t on drugs,” Declan snapped. “Olivia has a low tolerance for liquor.”
“How do you know that, if you just met her?” Cami asked.
“Stop glaring at my wife,” James all but snarled, coming to Cami’s side.
She patted James’s chest. “I’m a big girl. Besides, I think it’s kind of sweet how defensive Declan is getting over this.”
“That’s it. I’m leaving.”
“Don’t be so grouchy,” Cara said. “We discussed it. We think someone slipped her something. Maybe roofies? I was talking to Olivia right before, and she was fine.”
“Seems like an unusual venue to drug a woman.” Dahlia frowned. “She was with coworkers, right… oh!” Her green eyes widened. “Chris was awfully determined to take her back to her hotel.”
Declan’s blood boiled as rage consumed him. He wanted to hit something… hard.
“That would be a pretty obvious move for Chris. He’s more of a snake in the grass than an obvious creep.” Cara squinted. “Now, Courtney, on the other hand.” She sucked in a small breath. “That bitch.”
“What?” Declan barked, and out of his periphery he could see Wes glare at him.
Cara made a face. “I may or may not have been eavesdropping on their argument in the ladies’ room. Courtney was completely unhinged, accusing Olivia of trying to sleep with Chris and even you.” She cut her eyes to Declan. “I told you I wasn’t the only one who noticed how you were watching her. Anyway, Olivia’s drink was on the counter unattended.”
“Valium or another benzo would do it,” Cami mused. “If Courtney had something like that in her purse, she could have put a few pills in Olivia’s drink. It would act almost the same as a roofie, except it would have made her sick, not just incoherent.”
Three pairs of female eyes swung to him, and Declan was well aware that his brothers and Wes were listening.
“Was she sick that night?” Dahlia asked, her voice a shade too innocent.
“How the fuck should I know?”
“Watch your tone,” Luke growled.
Declan rolled his eyes. “If they are going to gang up and try to bully me, then I get to treat them like the bratty sisters they are.”
When Dahlia and Cami beamed at him, he blinked. “What?”
James’s arm encircled Cami’s shoulders with a grin. “He doesn’t get it. There’s no use trying to make him understand.”
Declan wondered if Olivia’s headache was contagious, because his family was making his head pound. “Understand what?”
“You called them your sisters.” Cara poked him in the side.
He lifted his brows. “And that’s what has you all staring at me like I sprouted a second head?”
“You can’t really blame us,” Luke teased. “You don’t really exhibit human emotion that often.”
“Fuck me.” Declan closed his eyes. “I need more whiskey if I’m going to deal with all of you.”
“While you’re making yourself another drink, let’s talk about what’s important,” Cara began. “Do you have a tree yet? I can help you decorate your hotel suite if you like. Also, if you were serious last week about relocating to Atlanta, I’d love to help you house hunt…”