Page 93 of See You Maybe
“It doesn’t make sense to keep it. There isn’t another design that is close enough to needing a prototype. They are essentially sitting there, doing nothing.”
“Stuart’s progress report said they’d be ready to start on a prototype by early March.”
“He says that, but being realistic, it could take longer.” Declan’s eyes were sympathetic, which for some reason made her angry. “Best case is at least two months. That’s too long.”
The subtext of what he was saying hit her. “You’re planning on selling before two months.”
It wasn’t a question, but the answer was written all over Declan’s face. “I said no one before thirty days. I never promised anything beyond that.”
Her brain scrambled. It’s too soon, a voice screamed in the back of her mind. But was her gut reaction because she was losing the company or Declan?
“What if you didn’t sell?” Olivia blurted out.
Declan sighed, and something unidentifiable crossed his face. “Olivia, I wish?—”
“What if we manufactured XEROS ourselves? That’s all you really want out of m… us. What if I can make the case that it’s more beneficial to manufacture XEROS in-house?”
Declan’s eyes met hers. The violet depths clouded with resignation and regret. Olivia pressed her lips together in a tight line, hoping it would hold off the panic growing inside her.
It will all be gone in less than two months.
He shifted to face her on the sofa, and Olivia glared down at the reports on the table, refusing to look at him. A hint of his cologne wafted over her, and Olivia suddenly wanted to cry.
There has to be a way.
Olivia knew the moment Declan stormed into the room last week that this was coming. The company would be gone. He would be gone again.
“Olivia,” Declan murmured, his voice soft yet insistent. “Olivia.” He repeated her name, this time with more command gently turning her jaw toward him with his pointer finger.
Sparks traveled from his fingertips through her body even after he lowered his hand. Olivia inhaled a slow breath through her nose and raised her gaze to meet his. Her heart lurched at the understanding she saw there.
The brave face she’d maintained for the last few years faltered. “I can’t let them down. Everyone is counting on me. If I hadn’t allowed us to get into this position, we could have manufactured XEROS ourselves. I should have made Richard listen to reason, reined in Kyle…”
Olivia trailed off, years of frustration roaring to the forefront of her brain. “I shouldn’t have tried to scale so quickly. We didn’t have the infrastructure in place, but I was convinced I would eventually make them see… but they were…”
“I was going to say stubborn.” Olivia rubbed a hand over her forehead, a dull headache starting behind her eyes. “The reality is, I let this business get over-leveraged, followed by a hostile takeover, and now hundreds of families will lose their income.” Olivia hated that her voice cracked on the last word.
Declan scooted closer, until his thigh pressed against the side of hers, the heat of it searing through her skirt. “This isn’t all on you. You were one vote. I’ve seen how this company was organized. Even though there is a nominal board, it was essentially completely under Richard’s control.”
Mortified, Olivia felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes. She would not cry.
“One of the first things we did was scrub the computers. I’ve seen all the emails… the projections, your proposals… all things that might have saved this company if Richard had listened to you. Not to mention, you were basically saddled with doing the job of COO as well. I have yet to see anything Kyle accomplished other than spending money. This is business. Sometimes it doesn’t end the way you want.”
“This isn’t just business to me. I’ve given everything to this company.”
Declan wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and she curled instinctively into his side.
“Olivia,” he breathed. His free arm wrapped around her, a large hand splayed across her back.
Olivia didn’t know how long they sat like that— Declan cuddling her against him. She didn’t want to think about how unprofessional it was, or how embarrassed she would be when it was over. She simply accepted the comfort he offered. Olivia closed her eyes, and let her head relax against his strong chest.
Just for a minute, she would let herself pretend—that they were still Declan and Rose, and her heart was safe with him.
Lips brushed the top of her head, and Olivia burrowed deeper as his fingers gently stroked down her hair.
“I know how business works,” she finally acknowledged. “I just can’t believe after everything, I failed them.”