Page 47 of The Devil Takes
A god who worshiped a mortal.
I gave his head another gentle scratch, tracing up behind the shell of his sensitive pink ears, watching his lashes flutter as he relaxed fractionally. He was too raw right now. No matter what he said. Sex wasn’t the correct answer. He needed…something else. Something that would make him feel useful. Something to give him purpose.
“I have to finish my paperwork,” I lied, a quiet rumble in the space between us. “Can you wait?”
Maybe I was testing him.
Testing his devotion.
Percy passed with flying colors, nodding in relief, his shoulders slumping in relief now that I was no longer actively pushing him away. He nuzzled at the inside of my knee gratefully, like simply allowing him to be close like this was the greatest gift I could give him.
For a while, I let him sit there.
He never stopped chasing my scent with his nose, rubbing along the fabric of my trousers, his lashes wet, brow furrowed. I knew he found my lack of scent just as frustrating as I found his. Minutes passed. An hour. I worked my way through exactly zero of my documents, too distracted by the omega between my legs. Broad shouldered, with the faint scent of his slick beginning to waft in the air between us.
Percy mouthed at the fabric of my pants, sucking it into his mouth, tasting the texture with his tongue. He couldn’t seem to help himself. He was always happiest with something in his mouth.
“You have an oral fixation unlike anything I’ve ever seen,” I told him softly, my free hand still carding through his hair. He blinked up at me, a foggy peace having settled across his features. His earlier trembling had quieted, though he seemed unable to sit completely still. “I have an idea.”
He perked up, clearly excited for whatever I was about to give him.
I could practically see his hypothetical tail wagging.
I suppose that was fair, when I’d been ready to give him exactly nothing just an hour ago.
“I don’t know what that means,” Percy replied honestly, docile eyes blinking up at me. A pretty little rabbit, caught between my paws. Maybe this was why Gods weren’t supposed to interact with the mortals. One look from those hazel eyes and here I was, tossing all my resolve out the window just to please him.
Even though I knew it would only hurt us both.
I undid the buckle on my belt, letting the leather slip free, the quiet sound of it snicking free unnaturally loud in the quiet room. I hoped we wouldn’t be interrupted. Normally my head advisor Bertram would knock before entering—he and all the others who resided in the palace liked to matchmake whenever Percy came round, despite never actually seeing him—but I figured with Percy hidden neatly under the desk there was no harm in a little…play.
I stroked the cold buckle across the swell of his cheekbone and watched him shudder. Percy gasped, so I repeated the motion on the other side, watching his eyes cross as he tried to follow the belt’s movement. I trailed it across his square jawline, not too sharp, softened at the edges. Like he still had baby fat to lose despite being all man. I wondered if he would always look this way. Young. Naive.
Stroking the buckle down the center of his neck, I bit back a growl as his Adam’s apple bobbed and a trail of goosebumps rose in the metal’s wake.
Flicking the button on my pants open made Percy lick his lips, his attention immediately gravitating to the trail of white hair that crept beneath the edge of my black undergarments.
“You’re going to suck my cock, Percy.” I told him, a mirror of what I’d said all those months ago. If this was to be our last time, I needed him to remember it. “And you are going to like it.”
“I thought you said no sex until after you finished?” Percy perked up, though his thick brows remained twisted in confusion. His response was so cute I couldn’t help but count the freckles that dusted the bridge of his scrunched up nose with affection.
“This isn’t sex,” I told him, delighted when I watched his eyes narrow suspiciously. He was dubious, and I couldn’t blame him. I shouldn’t love to play with his feelings like this. Like a cat batting its paw in a fishbowl just to watch the fish inside swim in circles.
“How is sucking your cock not sex?” Percy glared at me.
“I suppose sucking is the wrong word,” I murmured, reaching down to tuck the elastic of my boxers beneath my balls. My cock gave an eager twitch but I willed it to softness, watching the way Percy’s eyes grew dark and that sweet pink tongue flickered out to wet his lips once again. “You’re going to hold my cock in your mouth.”
“Just…hold it?” He blinked up at me.
“You may suck if you wish. But don’t get me hard.”
Percy still looked dubious, but it was clear he wasn’t going to argue, too eager to take whatever I’d give him, even if he didn’t understand it.
“Keep it warm, pup,” I murmured quietly, before promising, “You’ll like it.”
Percy seemed to contemplate this. For almost a full minute, I watched warring emotions flit across his face. Desire, confusion, desire again. Until finally, he let the last of his inhibitions go and eagerly leaned forward, mouth open.