Page 31 of King of Hollywood
“I would’ve added cheese if I knew whether or not he’s lactose intolerant.”
“How thoughtful of you,” Allen deadpanned.
Annoyed, I turned my attention away from the body to him. “He said it was fine.” I wasn’t about to tell Allen that I’d already given Felix a hug. A hug that lasted a full thirty seconds.
“Did he?”
“Well, if he said it was fine, then it’s fine.” Allen shrugged, staring at me—dead in the eyes—like he was trying to communicate something.
“You’re telling me…” I squinted at him, trying to make sense of the look he was leveling at me. “That it’s possible despite clearly telling me he was fine…he may…not be fine?”
“Ah.” Allen nodded. “So you’re not an idiot after all.”
I threw my hands in the air. “Why in the world would he say he was fine if he wasn’t?” This was not the first time Felix had told me he was “fine.” Did I need to be worried? Had he been lying before too? No, no. I didn’t think so.
“Because.” Allen shrugged, then pinched the bridge of his nose. “Sometimes…people just do that.”
“Well that’s idiotic.”
“Yeah,” he laughed, “I guess it is.”
“I suppose I should go back to him then?” I hummed, plucking at my clothing—Christ, I liked this shirt. Still, into the fire it would go. I pulled it off, following it with my pants and belt. “And leave you to deal with…” I grimaced, gesturing at the asshole I’d laid on the table. “Him on your own?”
“Sure,” Allen folded his arms over his barrel chest, watching me with an annoying twinkle in his gaze, like he knew something I didn’t. “So…you ask blondie out yet?”
“Why is everyone suddenly so interested in my love life?” I lamented as I shucked off my boxers and socks, then added them to my pile.
“Because you’ve never had one before,” Allen told me, wandering around behind me like an annoying, bearded gnat. I headed toward the shower in the back. I hadn’t used it the last time I’d been here—because it had felt rude to get naked while Felix was in the room—ah.
Perhaps I was more obvious than I’d realized.
Completely naked, with my hands on my hips, I stared unseeingly at the shower.
“I think…” I blinked, swiveling around. Allen shielded his eyes, purposefully looking away from my swinging dick. Odd. He had one of his own, why was he so frightened of mine? I shoved the thought aside, as I actually had less than zero interest in how Allen reacted to my cock. “I maybe…perhaps…like Felix.”
“You think?”
“Do you maybe, perhaps,” he was mocking me, I could tell, “think you should hurry the fuck up then?”
“Ah.” I blinked, frowning. “Right.”
I had never showered faster in all my life.
When I returned to the car, Felix had not eaten his hamburger. Maybe he’d wanted cheese after all? Frowning, I slid into the driver seat, twisting to look at him. His expression was oddly blank, his cold food sitting in his lap, resting in a pile of plucked apart wrapper pieces.
Pluck, pluck, pluck went his fingers, decimating the paper even further.
He wasn’t crying anymore.
I kind of missed it.