Page 82 of King of Hollywood
He’d acted electrified—like going outside his home obviously energized him.
“You know, for a man who claims he never leaves his house, you sure like leaving your house,” I groused, stealing another kiss.
Felix just cackled and kissed back.
But that was as far as we’d gotten.
Long, searching kisses.
Drugging, toe-curling kisses.
No tongue.
No butts.
No dicks whatsoever.
I needed to change tactics. Subtle was not working. I needed to go on the offense.
“What are you going to do today?” Winnie asked, interrupting my rather inappropriate thoughts. Vladimir, the cat I’d adopted, scurried by my feet, crawling onto my bed with a quiet meow.
“No beds, Vladimir,” I chided him, hands on my hips. “We’ve talked about this.”
He meowed again in protest, so I left him alone.
Before I could answer her question, Winnie interrupted me. “Is that a cat, Marshall?”
How the hell had she even heard that?
Was she even human?
“We’re going to watch a film at the drive-in a few towns over,” I answered her first question, then the second, “And yes. His name is Vladimir.”
“You…have a cat.” It wasn’t a question, but it sure felt like one. “Named…Vladimir.”
“Yes. Vlad the Im-paw-ler.”
“Marshall—” Winnie laughed. “You hate cats.”
“Do I?” I squinted, staring at Vlad where he lay peacefully at the foot of my bed, his tail swishing. “I suppose I do.”
“And yet…”
“How about you poke your nose in someone else’s business? I heard Melissa is pregnant again. You can offer her my condolences,” I threw our elder sibling under the bus. Winnie laughed.
“Been there done that. What, you think you’re my first call of the day?”
“Fuck off.” I clipped my favorite pair of cufflinks on as I spoke.
“So. The drive-in?” Winnie smoothly segued. “Also, I need pictures of the cat, like—yesterday.”
“Yes, and fine.”
“Yes, really.” I had about a thousand pictures of Vladimir on my phone. I’d taken them because I knew something like this would happen the second my family found out I’d adopted a beast of my own. They were nosy like that.
I had not taken the pictures because he was cute.