Page 11 of Vapor's Blaze
“If I say I’ll be there, I’ll be there.”
I give him a curt nod before opening the door and stepping out into the chill night air. When I turn the corner, hands come out to grab me. I elbow the person in the ribs and twist away ready to throw a punch, only to find Vapor frowning down at me. “Forgot what my hands feel like on you already, darlin’?”
“You’re hell bent on being an intrusive ass tonight, aren’t you?”
He takes out his vape, I watch him shove a new cartridge in and take a puff before responding. “I knew you were with one of the Hellfire Hounds because I saw their motorcycles at your place that morning you shoved me out a second story window. Good thing I didn’t break my neck trying to get off the roof.”
“Firstly, I’m not with any member of the Hellfire Hounds. Secondly, I can be friends with whoever I want, regardless of their club affiliations. And lastly, you’re an athletic man who had just gotten a full night’s sleep. My best guess is, jumping off that roof didn’t involve a lot of personal risk for you.”
His chin comes up and I can almost swear he preens for just a moment. “You could be right about that. I’ve jumped off a second story building before and landed on my feet.”
I roll my eyes and fold my arms over my chest. “Yeah, I thought you looked like some kind of exotic breed of catman when we met before. This just goes to prove it.”
He finally smiles at me. “You’ve got a fucking answer for everything don’t you, beautiful.”
I click my tongue at him. “You don’t get to fling nasty comments my way and think you’re gonna make it up with a compliment or two. I’m not that easy.”
His eyebrows shoot up and he states playfully, “That almost sounded like a challenge. Shall we test how well my compliments work on you?”
I take a step back because I know if this sexy bastard gets his hands on me, I’m going to end up impaled on his massive cock in no time. Since this isn’t the time or the place, as my brother so succinctly pointed out, I turn him down. “Hard pass. I’ve got more important things to do with my night than ride your glorious clock.”
He stalks closer. “Your mouth is saying no, but your body is saying yes, sweetheart. I see a world of need and those pretty brown eyes of yours.”
“I’m feeling very conflicted about you. On the one hand, I’m tempted to have a quickie because you’re good at what you’re good at. On the other, you’re just a little too smug. That kind of behavior should not be rewarded.”
“You’re definitely the kind of reward that any man would work his ass off to get.”
“What a silver tongue you have, Vapor. I’ll bet you’re used to talking woman into giving you what you want.”
He chuckles, his eyes alight with mischief. He stops directly in front of me. “I’ve never had to talk a woman into having sex with me. Normally, they’re begging for it. It makes me curious as to why you’re not.” He’s so sure of himself then it makes me want to shoot him down for funsies.
“Maybe I’m just not into begging—for your cock, or anything else in this world.”
“I would say you don’t know what you’re missing but we both know you do, thus the temptation.”
“Regardless of what you may think, you are not irresistible.” Letting my eyes wander down the ridiculous coat he was still wearing, I add, “Especially when you’re wearing that stupid parka. It’s not your style at all, by the way.”
“That’s because it’s not mine. It belongs to the bar. We just keep it hanging in the back so whoever works in the walk-in will have something to wear.”
“I don’t know why I’m mind boggled at the idea of community clothing, but eww.”
Vapor throws back his head and laughs. I love seeing him genuinely happy. If our trite, useless little banter is what brightens his evening then that’s alright by me. I don’t realize I’m staring at him until he stares back.
“Are you sure you’re not messing around with Tracker?” Vapor’s voice is deep and rough. He smells amazing. I quickly come to the conclusion that I really don’t care if he lied about owning a tattoo parlor. He wouldn’t be the first guy to exaggerate his circumstances to impress me. I move closer to him, like a moth to the flame. His big hands come out to rest my hips.
Looking into the depths of his beautiful hazel eyes, I can hardly remember how to breathe, much less speak.
“You’re cute when you go all gaga over me.”
I can’t help but smile. Why do I like it so much when this man pulls out his arrogant side?
I trace my finger up the zipper of his ridiculous coat, barely noticing that he’s wearing a black leather vest underneath. “Clearly bragging is your super skill, in addition to always landing on your feet.”
Chapter 5
Gazing down into her eyes, I’ll say anything, or do anything to spend a few minutes with her. She’s been on my mind since the rave, though after she shoved me out her window before the Hounds got to me, I thought I’d never see her again. I’m not about to mess around with another man’s woman, but she says she ain’t Tracker’s. “It ain’t bragging if it’s true. It’s just a simple statement of fact.”