Page 26 of Vapor's Blaze
Sitting down beside me, he uses the wet cloth to blot at the dried blood on my lip and chin. He’s gentle and I appreciate his concern. I’m just humiliated that the man who raised me, hit me in the face. People aren’t supposed to treat loved ones like that, or anyone else for that matter.
Vapor tells me reassuringly, “Look, I know this situation is difficult but you’re going to get through it.”
I shrug. It doesn’t matter if I make it through or not, I am going to be married off to someone my grandfather picks. If it’s not Decker, I’ll be someone else.
“How did you end up involved? You said you’d tell me when we were safe, and I really want to know.”
He lowers the cloth and hands me the ice pack. “Put this against your lip and hold it there for as long as you can tolerate it. Try for three minutes and then we’ll rotate it every five minutes after that.”
I do as he asks, while patiently waiting for him to answer my question.
He spends a few seconds handling the wet cloth with my blood on it before looking up at me. His expression is so serious that anxiety begins to twist in my gut.
“Look, you’re not going to like what I have to say, but I have more respect for you than to sit here and tell you a bunch of lies.”
I freeze in place for a second as I process his words. “Are you an undercover cop or something like that?”
He shakes his head, laying the cloth aside. “Don’t panic when I tell you. I’m still the guy you met at the rave who really likes you, probably too much for his own good. I’d never do anything to hurt you.” His voice is soothing and earnest but what he’s saying makes me think he’s a danger to me. I begin to edge away from him on the sofa, wary of what he’s going to tell me.
“Just spit it out,” I say with as much courage as I can muster.
“You are King’s granddaughter. He’s the president of the Hellfire Hounds MC, which is a one percent club. I’m a member of the Savage Legion MC. We’re not a one percent club. The two clubs are not friendly with each other.”
I come to my feet and start backing up toward the door. “You’re with the Savage Legion? Why aren’t you wearing a cut?”
He responds quickly, “Because I spent the morning working a dangerous job and didn’t want anyone who caught sight of me to know I was with the Legion.”
“Why are you targeting me? Jesus, is that what hitting on me at the rave was all about? You wanted to get to my grandfather’s club through me?”
“No, no, and no. We didn’t even realize King had a granddaughter. You’re the best kept secret in Las Salinas. I actually wondered if you targeted me to get at the Legion, but it’s clear from your face you had no idea who I was.”
I hold up two hands, “Look, just save yourself a bunch of trouble and let me go. I won’t tell anyone that you carted me off or that we had sex. Trust me, this is the best for everyone.”
His head tilts to the side as he studies me. “Hey, I only took you away from your apartment to protect you from Decker. You’re not my hostage. There’s no need for you to be afraid. You can walk out of here whenever you want. I was just trying to keep you safe, I heard what they were planning.”
When he comes to his feet, I back all the way up until I bump into the door. “Don’t come any closer.”
I remember him saying that he was packing a weapon. God, I was stupid for just allowing this virtual stranger to scoop me up and take me off to his cool tattoo parlor where we’re all alone and he could literally do anything to me. I don’t want him to use my skin to make a people suit. Okay, that thought was uncalled for. I realize that my mind is spinning wildly out of control.
“Well, if what you’re saying is true, I’m going to leave. I don’t want to be here alone with a rival club member.”
Vapor sighs as he gazes at me. “Just remember, you’re free to leave anytime you want, but you also have my permission to come here anytime you need a safe place.”
“Jesus, why would I ever do that?” I say in absolute shock.
“Trix, you’re in an extremely precarious position. You’re young, beautiful, and about to be trafficked by your own family in order to cement an alliance with one of the most ruthless motorcycle clubs on the West Coast. Decker is the son of the Grave Digger’s president. Do I need to explain to you how they came up with that name?”
I shake my head because I’ve heard all the stories. Their club is reputed to have multiple dump sites because of the horrific levels of violence they are involved in.
Vapor takes a step closer, sending me into even more of a panic.
“You are eventually going to need an exit plan. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to help you escape your grandfather and his club, as well as Decker and the Grave Diggers.”
Taking a key off his keyring, he tosses to me. “This is a key to our shop. Come here if you need a safe place. We keep food and drinks on hand, and I’ll stash some cash in the jar on top the refrigerator, in case you need a little cash to get a fresh start. Don’t hesitate to come here day or night if you’re in danger.”
I’m still terrified to be alone with a member of the Savage Legion, but Vapor’s calm tone is helping me not to panic so much. “Why are you doing this? Why are you helping me?”
“Because someone needs to step up for you right now. It might as well be the guy who likes you, right?”