Page 30 of Vapor's Blaze
“Why out of all the fucking women in this town did you have to pick King’s fucking granddaughter?”
“I didn’t know who she was. He’s been keeping her under wraps. I can’t imagine how many of his enemies would have wanted to use her to get to him.”
His eyebrows shoot up. “Enemies like you. Is that what you mean?”
I jump to my feet. “Look, if you’re going to be a douche, I’ll sit somewhere else.”
He grabs my arm and jerks me back down. “I don’t want to be a douche. I want to understand why you’re doing insanely dangerous things without back up.” Slamming his hand into his chest, he growls, “I’m the impulsive one, not you. What the fuck just happened here? Did we switch roles?”
Before I can answer, Siege strolls into the room, our club president stands at the front with a determined look on his face. “I call this meeting of the Savage Legion to order.” Looking gravely around the room, he states, “We’ve been through a lot over the last few years. We’ve dealt with the syndicate and found most of those missing kids. We’ve been shoving the Hellfire Hounds to the back burner for far too long. Tank, I want you to explain where we are with trying to figure out what in the fuck to do about them.”
Tank, our VP, walks to the front, straight and proud. He was one of the founding three along with Dutch and Rigs. “As you know, the Hounds have been trying to overrun us since Claw founded this club. I remember having run-ins with them when I first joined the Legion. Most recently, some of their crew tried to burn down our bar in town. One of them was King’s grandson. Siege gave him a choice of us calling the police or him working off his debt to us in the bar. He chose the latter and rather than being grateful for our generosity, King has been super pissy. Rider has already started chipping away at their ability to make an attack us. I’ll let him tell you more about that.”
Rider steps forward and began to speak, he’s our sergeant at arms and deals with any security issues, “We tipped off the police and as a result their last weapons shipment got confiscated while enroute. Rigs, with help from Zen, managed to install a listening device on King’s phone. Listening in on their conversations has given us a wealth of new information, including the fact that they have clients waiting to receive those shipments that got seized by the police. Now they’re exceedingly upset. We also heard King talking about how their own weapons are depleted and they’d be in real trouble if our club attacks before they can replenish their stock. Therefore, I’m working on a plan to do just that.”
Siege gets to his feet. “Thank you, Rider. We’ve learned an important piece of intel and I want you to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth. Vapor, can I get you front and center?”
I rush forward, not wanting to make my club brothers wait for me. The minute I’m at the front of the room, I turn and explain what I’ve discovered. “We’ve long since known that King had two grandsons. Tracker is a bit of a menace but he’s fulfilling his end of the restitution at the bar.”
Siege interrupts, “He’s actually paid off his debt and is continuing to work for us. We’re not quite sure about him—he can’t snoop on us for the Hounds at the bar, so I know he’s not staying on as a spy. It’s an interesting situation, so we’re just letting him stay for now, until we can get a handle on what his game plan is.”
“Maybe he likes hanging around with the Legion better than the Hounds? Our women are a damn sight hotter,” Dutch adds.
“You’re a married man, you shouldn’t have an opinion on the merits of our vixens over the Hounds’ club girls,” Tank teases his old friend.
“Come on, brother. Anyone with eyes can see our women are better. It’s like comparing apples to oranges. I don’t wanna eat either, but I can have an opinion.”
“Okay,” Siege says trying to steer things back to the topic at hand. “Anyway, we have eyes on him. Sorry to interrupt, Vapor, continue.”
“The younger grandson is in high school, and we don’t know a lot about him. What we never knew is that he also has a granddaughter. She’s the middle child and her name is Trix. When I first met her, I didn’t know she was a member of King’s family. We became friends. Part of the surveillance we carried out revealed that he plans to traffic her to the Grave Diggers MC’s president’s son.”
My brother speaks up, “They’re not even from around here.”
Siege interjects, “It could be that they want to start a chapter in Las Salinas.”
I continue, “The thing is, Trix doesn’t want anything to do with the guy. King didn’t like hearing that and slapped her down so bad she ended up with a busted lip. She’s looking for a way out.”
Haze’s voice rings out again, “So you’re going to help her in exchange for intel on the Hellfire Hounds? That sounds smart to me.”
Rigs finally speaks up, “No. Manipulating a poor abused woman looking for a way out is not how we operate. That could put her in more danger.”
Siege adds, “Vapor said she was his friend. That makes her a friend of the club as well. We’ll do everything in our power to help her.”
I take my seat again as Siege continues, “We’re currently flush with weapons, cash, and brothers. Today’s count is thirty-three brothers and eight prospects. I’m given to understand that we have a prospect ready to be considered for his patch.”
Rigs comes to his feet. “I would like to take this opportunity to recommend Crow for membership in the Savage Legion MC. He showed his worth when he and Evan helped in Serena’s rescue.”
Serena is Siege’s sister and our club attorney, Smoke’s old lady. If it wasn’t for the two prospects’ quick-thinking, things could have ended badly. Evan, Rigs’ adopted son, is still too young to be patched in, but for sure that kid is gonna make an awesome brother too when his time comes. Tank opens the door to our meeting room and ushers in Gordon, who’s looking part proud as punch, and part nervous as hell.
Siege states, “I have a motion for Crow to be patched in. Do I hear a second?”
“I second that motion,” Dutch states firmly with a nod to Rigs.
Siege raises his voice slightly, “I want to see a show of hands from members in support of this motion?”
Everyone in the room raises their hands.
Siege intones, “The vote is unanimous. Welcome to the Savage Legion MC, Crow.”