Page 5 of Vapor's Blaze
When she turns to talk to me, her eyes fly open. “You’re naked,” she states.
I take a step closer. “I like my sex to be naked. It’s more comfortable that way, easier too.”
Her mouth is hanging open, but she recovers quickly when I point out, “You’re naked too. How do you suppose that happened?”
Her eyes narrow on me for a second. “Get your sexy ass in the bed,” she flings back. I can tell she’s more amused than anything. So I follow her to the bed and climb in behind her, covering her with my big body when she lays on her back.
“When God was handing out smooth moves, I see you got in line twice.”
“I did.” Bringing her hand down to wrap around my cock, I add playfully, “I got in line three times when it came to cocks. You can thank me for that later.”
She laughs again, as though she can’t help herself. I don’t mind because she’s laughing with me, not at me and because she immediately begins slowly pumping my engorged cock.
“You should take that act on the road. Dirty standup is a thing. You would slay at it.”
Bringing up one hand to cup her face, I respond sincerely, “I’d rather be here with you than earning bank playing to a sold out audience.”
“Kiss me again. I love your lips,” she says seductively.
The sound of her voice is like the call of a siren to my ears. We kiss for a long time. It’s the best kiss of my entire life. I really like kissing, I know it might lose me some man points as we’re all supposed to just wanna fuck, but I love the intimacy and the closeness.
My cock is dripping precum all over the place but she doesn’t let up until I begin moving down her body and she has to release me so I can settle between her legs.
“You have some nice breasts. I can just about fit a whole one in my mouth.” I think my voice is teasing but her hands immediately come up to cover the soft mounds.
“They’re not food. You know that, right?” She states indignantly.
I shoot her a mischievous grin, bring my hands up and wrap them around her wrists before tugging her hands away. “I like everything about your body. You should as well.”
“I thought men liked big bouncy breasts?”
“Women are more than just their breasts and I’ve never met a pair I didn’t like. Yours are especially nice.”
“I always thought they were a bit on the small side.”
I gaze down at her for a second trying to process why this beautiful woman didn’t like her body. “Here’s the thing. I wouldn’t throw a woman out of bed no matter what size her breasts were because I’m not a judgmental asshole.”
Feeling like I was sermonizing, I force myself to stop and conclude with, “You should be proud of them and everything else about your body.”
A mischievous smile jumps onto her face. “You’re absolutely right about that. I’m cute as a button. I know because my granddad always said so.” She freezes in place for a second before clarifying, “I mean, that’s what my nice grandfather used to say.”
Reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, I say, “That must mean you have a not so nice grandfather as well.”
“Oh, he’s a total asshole, but unfortunately he’s the only one I have left.”
“Yeah, I always wonder what kind of life people have had to make them that way.”
“You know, talking about my deplorable family might not be the big turn on you think it is.”
I smother back a smile. “Sorry, sweetheart. It won’t happen again.”
I lean down and take her lips in a searing kiss. My heart hurts to know she has a toxic family member, but I don’t press any further. My hand slides down her arm to lock fingers with hers and I bring her delicate hand to my lips and kiss every knuckle as I gaze into her eyes. I can see her expression turn vulnerable. She shared something personal with me. I need to make her feel safe, respected, and cared for in this moment. Gazing into her eyes, our connection is more than sexual. This woman is tugging at my feels and doesn’t even realize it.
When she slides her hand from mine and cups my face, I steal another kiss, certain that I’ll never get enough of this woman. The more we kiss the more excited we become. When she’s writhing beneath me, I move down to run my tongue around one nipple, teasing and making it stand at a sharp point. It’s gratifying when she melts into my touch with a soft moan. Her hands come down to slide her fingers through my long hair. When she urges me downwards, I go willingly, eager to finally get a taste of the best place on her body. When I slide my tongue through her glorious slit, my eyes roll back in my head with pleasure. Nothing tastes better than the sweetness of a woman’s body. It speaks to me as a male.
It doesn’t take me long to learn what she likes best. I run my tongue in tight circles around her clit as she squirms with pleasure and makes cute feminine sounds. The more she responds, the more eagerly I chase her pleasure. I slide a finger and then two inside her tight core. The second I touch her g-spot she comes in a gush. I fucking love it when women do that.
When I cover her with my body, her legs come up on either side of me welcoming me into her warm heat. Her soft, tight body is perfection. I’ve had sex with tons of women but somehow this is different.