Page 13 of Coyote
However, finding out that Rufus had done this more than once made my blood boil. I had a good mind to track him down and beat him to a bloody pulp. I didn’t though, because I’m not a fucking unhinged lunatic. Instead, I got on my bike, and Breaker and I headed back to my auto repair shop.
I normally loved to ride my bike, but right now it brought me little comfort. I swallowed down my misery and forced myself to ride out of town. I wanted to keep checking on her every day, but I wouldn’t because there was a fine line between protecting and stalking. I didn’t want to find myself on the wrong side of that line for a couple of reasons.
First, it might scare Bethany. I didn’t know why she left me, whether she was with anyone right now, or what she’d been up to for the last three and a half years. All I knew was that this woman clearly had enough on her plate already, without some stupid shenanigans from me adding to her worries.
The second reason was because I didn’t particularly want to risk landing on the wrong side of local law enforcement in another town. Small towns could be strange towards outsiders, especially if it looked like one of them was engaged in staking. Law enforcement already had a propensity to think of bikers as outlaws. So they’d do whatever they could to pick us up and squeeze us for information.
Chapter Six
During a phone check in a couple of days later, I told Reggie about what happened. The news clearly rattled him. “I hate that Rufus got in your face. He’s always been a slimy fuck. Are you okay? Do you need me to cut my trip short?”
“No. Like I said, Lucas happened to show up and took care of the situation. I’d be highly surprised if he came back.”
“Look, Bethany. If that asshole steps foot in the store again, just call the police. I’ll back you up on it. Don’t let him scare you.”
“Reggie, he’s just one in a long line of creeps I’ve dealt with over the years. Rufus isn’t the first guy to harass me, and he probably won’t be the last. I don’t think he’s the type to attack someone. He the kind that thinks he’s a slick talker.”
“I don’t like this, Bethany. Not at all,” Reggie mused out loud.
I could hear Thomas in the background asking what’s going on. Reggie told him all about it while I nervously bit my nails. Truth be told, I was acting like this was no big deal even though the situation really freaked me out. I didn’t trust Rufus, not one little bit. I think the minute he realized that Coyote wasn’t from around here, he’d be back in a flash.
Unfortunately, Reggie didn’t get a vacation every day. In fact, he hardly ever took a day off. I would feel absolutely terrible if he left his nice vacation over this situation with Rufus. Especially as it looked like Thomas might pop the question. “Stay put and enjoy your vacation. I’ll give you a call if anything else pops off.”
“Are you completely sure about this, Bethany?”
“One hundred percent sure. Now, go catch a show, and for once don’t worry about what’s going on at the store.”
Reggie’s relief was evident in his voice. “Alright, if you’re sure.”
“I am,” I lied. “Look, I’ve got to go. A customer just walked in.”
“Alright, stay safe, sweetheart, and if you need anything give me a call.”
“Will do. You two have fun. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. And remember what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.”
Reggie seemed reassured by my words. “Okay, take care.”
“You too.”
I put my cell phone down on the counter and stared nervously at the front door. I didn’t know what the chances were of trouble walking through it, particularly in the form of Rufus. But I couldn’t discount the possibility that he would circle back around for round two. Now that my safe space at work had been violated so easily, some small dark part of my mind realized that it could happen again and again. Today was Sunday, so we were only open half day. That meant I only had to hold it together for another fifteen more minutes.
I went back to planning Coyote’s grand opening to distract myself from my anxious thoughts. So far, the rockabilly idea had proven to be the more difficult theme of the two. Rockabilly performers were few and far between in our area. We’d have to fly them in, which would be cost prohibitive.
The antique car show idea was turning out to be much easier to plan. I sent out feelers to a couple of car clubs in the county. The idea of pulling together a car show had been met with a fairly enthusiastic response. Apparently, there was much more interest in antique cars than there were individuals willing to host events for them. I was starting to learn the terminology, apparently antique cars are forty-five years old and above, vintage go up to the nineteen thirties, and classic cars are twenty years old—as they say, every day’ a school day. Having a car show at the grand opening was definitely a good idea. It meant Coyote wouldn’t have to pay for entertainment. The parking lot would provide the space, and car enthusiasts would provide dozens of interesting cars. That was a win-win in my book.
I was caught off guard when the door chimed. My eyes darted fearfully towards the sound, only to find the person coming through the door was Coyote, rather than Rufus. In that moment all of my anxiety fled. I could feel my face light up, because he was looking good today in a tight black T-shirt and matching black jeans. His dark hair shone in the sunlight, making him look more handsome than I could ever remember him being.
When he smiled at me, my heart exploded into a thousand pieces. “Hello, again,” I said warmly.
He jerked his chin over his shoulder towards the door. “The sign on the door says your store is closed after one. I was wondering if you might want to step out and grab something to eat with me?”
Ahh, this was a slippery slope. Although I wanted to spend time with him, spending time with him was going to lead to me wanting him even more than I already did. However, when he was standing in front of the counter, looking ten kinds of gorgeous in his Dark Slayers cut, it was nearly impossible to say no. I grabbed for my purse before I even made the conscious decision to say yes.
“Where were you thinking of going?” I asked as I walked towards him, with my planning book tucked neatly under one arm. This would be a great opportunity to show him all my ideas.
“What do you suggest?” he asked casually.