Page 4 of Coyote
I didn’t mean to make him so shocked and apologetic. So I rushed out to wait for our first customer of the day. That’s how I solve every single problem in my life. I run away from them.
I tried to take my mind off the situation by throwing myself into my work. Unfortunately, my customer didn’t like our prices, so he flounced out in a huff.
After my customer left, I stood staring after him, but my mind was on Lucas. He was that unique combination of tough and protective. He not only took good care of me, the sex we had was absolutely amazing. I’d been a virgin when I met him and there was nothing that man wouldn’t do to please me in bed. God I truly did miss Lucas and his fine mouth and nice thick cock. Feeling myself blushing at my own thoughts, I went back to the office.
I wasn’t particularly surprised to find Reggie had pulled up the Dark Slayer’s MC website and was reading up a storm on the club. He had always been the curious sort. I left without saying anything, intent upon letting him appease his curiosity.
As for myself, seeing their club logo again after three and a half years did something to me. It set off a longing that was hard to wrangle back under control. I looked down at the promise ring he’d bought me because I had told him it was too early for an engagement ring. The promise ring was small, delicate, gold and set with diamonds. I hadn’t taken it off since the night he gave it to me.
I felt sad that Lucas had been my one, and I had foolishly let him slip away because of my own fears and insecurities. While it wasn’t as if we were on different sides of the country—he was literally an hour’s ride away in Griffinsford—for all intents and purposes, he could be on the moon. Now, I was forever separated from the man I loved, and my young daughter would never know her own father. I didn’t know’ if Lucas would have wanted me to have our child or not. I think he would, but how could anyone be sure of something like that?
I was lost in pleasant reminisces for a little while, but then suddenly, the other face crossed my mind. Hateful and sneering down on me and I tried to blank it out. I wanted Nessa to be Lucas’ so badly it hurt. She was such a lovely little girl, that bastard who raped me didn’t deserve the title of father, if she was his.
Chapter Two
Callie and I headed to our local building supply store. I was low-key excited to be finally opening an auto repair shop of my own in town. I’d been working at our club’s auto repair shop for almost three years and learned everything I needed to know about car repairs and the business side. My club brothers worked hard to beat all that information into my head, and now I was going to put it to good use. The Slayer’s shop did repairs for the brothers’ vehicles, so by branching out I wouldn’t be taking any custom from them.
I took the van we normally carried parts in because I wanted to load up on flooring for the waiting and office area of my new shop. The thing is, I didn’t know one fucking thing in the entire world about interior design. But, luckily for me, my sister did, and she had agreed to help me pick out paint and flooring.
I glanced over and saw that she’d created a design notebook. It was kind of like a smash book but filled with notes and swatches to help her pull together a professional look for my new business.
I shifted gears and picked up some speed. “What ya got there, sis?”
“Everything we need to get your business looking shipshape,” she responded happily. “I’ve been thinking that your company colors should be dark blue and black.”
“Why is that?” I asked.
“Different colors evoke different emotions. For example, green makes people think of money, red denotes danger, and blue makes people feel trust.”
“And the black?”
“Because it adds an air of formality to your business. You want a business card that visually reminds them you’re a professional and they can trust you with their expensive automobiles.”
“That makes sense,” I admitted, never having given any thought to such things.
“Dark walls are too oppressive in small spaces, like your waiting area, so we’ll go with a lighter blue and put a navy and black stripe around the walls, kind of like race cars have.” Glancing up at me, she added, “The racing stripes are in keeping with the car theme.”
“That’s actually a brilliant idea, all of it. You’ve really thought this through, haven’t you.”
“Well, yeah, I want to do my part to make sure your new business gets off the ground. It’s what sisters do.”
“Are you sure Breaker is okay with you spending so much time on this?”
She froze in place for a brief second and slowly turned her head to look at me. “Of course he is. In addition to being my brother, you’re a patched member of the Dark Slayers MC. Brothers support brothers. You know that.”
“Alright. You acted really weird just now when I asked you about it.”
“Nonsense. You’re the one acting weird.”
I shot her an amused look. “I recognize deflection when I see it.”
Callie snapped her notebook closed, reached into her purse, and pulled out a flyer. “Have you decided how you’re going to launch your grand opening?”
My eyebrows shot up. “Grand opening? It’s a fucking auto repair shop. People come when their vehicles need to be fixed. I don’t think I need a grand opening.”