Page 3 of Haze's Jewel
“That’s not your decision to make. I’m talking, but you’re not taking in what I’m saying and that pisses me off. I don’t have all day to waste with you.”
She glances away and says grudgingly, “She’s just Hellfire Hounds trash that cleans up real good.”
“It’s not her fault her granddad was the president of Hellfire Hounds. They’ve been patched over in any event.”
“I fucking hate her and Tracker too. Both of them are enemies of our club,” she says stubbornly. “One day they’re going to double-cross the Legion and I guess that’s what it’s going to take for everyone to admit I was right.”
“Look, you can hate who you like, but that doesn’t give you the right to throw hands. What the hell were the two of you arguing about? I know it wasn’t my brother because he’s one of the few brothers that never hooked up with you.”
Turning to glare at me, she responds, “If you must know it was you. I told her that I’m the only club girl who is old lady material, and I have my sights set of you.”
“That ain’t gonna happen. I’ve made it abundantly clear that I’m not looking to settle down.” When she didn’t immediately respond, I add, “That doesn’t seem like something worth fighting about. Are you sure you’re not targeting her because of her family affiliation with the Hounds.”
“The bitch told me that you’re not gonna settle down with a club whore, and I lost my temper a bit.”
Something dark twisted in my gut. “Trix shouldn’t have called you a club whore, but in her defense that’s what they openly called club girls in her grandfather’s club.”
“Yeah, I told her that you weren’t like that, but she wouldn’t listen. She told me to stay the fuck away from you and that’s when I decided to smack that damn condescending look off her face.”
“If you put your hands on her again, it’s not gonna be me talking to you. I’m gonna send Vapor. You know how savage my twin brother can be when someone messes with his old lady.”
“Damn, Haze. Why you gotta be that way with me? We’re close, you know?”
“Look Brittany, I know we’ve hooked up a bunch of times, but I told you it’s just a hook up for me, nothing more. So, don’t start thinking we’re gonna be a couple.”
“It’s because I’m a club girl, right? Just like Trix said.”
I reach out, put one hand on her shoulder, and tell her the cold unvarnished truth. “No, it has nothing to do with the fact that you’ve been with my club brothers. If I wanted you in my property cut that wouldn’t stop me. The reason we’re never gonna be together is because I don’t love you. Besides liking to hang around the club and enjoying sex, we don’t have one single thing in common.”
“We can develop common interests. If that happened, you might fall in love with me.” She licks her lips seductively like that’s gonna make me to a U-turn.
“I’m not interested in trying to force feelings I don’t have. I’d be the worst kind of bastard in the world if I let you believe there was a chance, when I know deep down inside there isn’t. You need to let go of this idea and move forward in another direction.”
“We can still fuck, right?”
I hate the hopeful tone in her voice but I gotta make a clean cut. “No. I don’t think that’s a very good idea. With everything going on with the Grave Diggers MC, I won’t allow myself to get distracted with women or booze. Those of us who wear the Savage Legion cut swore an oath to protect this club and that’s what I intend to do.”
“Fucking fine,” she flings back. “Be that way. You’re not even the best-looking brother in the club.”
“I never said I was,” I respond indulgently. I’ll take her insult on the chin because getting rejected is hard. I’ve been there a time or two myself. I know how it fucks with a person’s mind and self-esteem.
She reaches over and tries to shove me with both hands. It doesn’t get her anywhere, so she growls and storms away towards the far reaches of the parking lot. I feel like I dodged a bullet with that one. It’s my own fault for allowing her into my bed one too many times.
My brother steps out of the clubhouse and comes over to me with a worried expression on his face. “Tracker pulled me out of a meeting with the club officers. I heard what went down. Thanks for looking out for Trix.”
“I don’t know why they’re fucking mixing it up over me of all people.”
My brother sighs. “I hear Brittany has laid claim to you around the clubhouse. Says she’s your forever girl.”
“That’s bullshit and you know it. I just told her that was never going to happen. Then again, Trix isn’t making friends and influencing people by calling the club girls whores to their faces.”
My brother looks chagrined. “Yeah, I’ll talk to her about that, but I think you’ve got bigger problems than you realize with Brittany. That girl is obsessed with you, and I don’t see her giving up until she has your ring on her finger.”
“Well, I blame you for that. We were both cruising along, minding our own business and enjoying the single life. Then you had to go and wife Trix fuckin’ up at the speed of light. Naturally, the rush job you did with her, is giving Brittany delusions of what could be between her and I.”
A huge grin jumps onto my brother’s face, and he slaps me on the back. “Don’t blame my marital bliss for your inability to set boundaries with the women you fuck.”
My eyebrows shoot up. “Oh, you think you’re fuckin’ funny now, don’t ya?” We both know that I’m the prankster in our family. “Your humor is just a pale imitation of mine and you know it.”