Page 10 of Fractured Heart
“I’m not leaving you!” he answers without missing a beat and ignoring my threat.
“Suit yourself, your presence means nothing to me.”
The next morning I wake to the sound of the birds and smile, another morning means I’m closer to doing what I set out to do. I push the flap of my tent open and step out into the brisk morning air. There’s a mist that covers the land, the gloomy sky matching my insides.
“What the fuck!” I snap my head to the side to see Xander stalking toward me. Before he can lay a hand on me, I drop into a crouch and punch him right in the dick. He roars in pain as he drops to the hard ground like a bitch screaming out in pain. I’m panting as I stare down at him.
“Don’t you ever fucking come at me like that again,” I scream.
“Well done, Doxy, there was no hesitation or pause in your strike. Next time, cock your arm back a half an inch further and you will incapacitate him for longer,” Trey says as he comes to stand next to me. I stand and don’t offer any aid to Xander as he rolls to his side and rests on his hands and knees panting. It takes him another few minutes before he finally pushes to his feet, the rage in his eyes is clear as he scowls down at me.
“What the fuck was that?” he shouts.
“That was her applying her training, don’t ever fucking come at her again like that,” Trey warns him. Xander snaps his gaze to him and vibrates with fury.
“She shouldn’t be out here dressed like that!” I look down at my white singlet and black panties and frown.
“Why not?” I ask him genuinely curious.
“Your pussy is out for everyone to see and your shirt is see through. I can see your dusty pert nipples.” I shrug.
“Everyone has seen my pussy, they’ve fucked it, touched it, ate it, plowed it, ripped it and so much more. I mean come on, Alexander, you’ve been inside it.” His nostrils flare. “Trey hasn’t but he has seen it. Sex is nothing but a transaction. Being in clothing is weird for me as I’ve spent years naked so they had easy access—” He stumbles back a step, shaking his head, a horrified look on his face.
“No. No, stop,” he begs.
“Why? Don’t you want to know how they fucked me? Want to know how many of them I took in a day?” He clasps his hands over his ears and shoots me a pleading look before he turns and practically runs off. I smirk at the pussy. I turn to Trey expecting to see him laughing but he stands there with a somber look on his face. “What?” He shakes his head and sighs.
“Don’t make a joke out of what you endured,” he gently scolds before he takes off in the opposite direction of Xander. I don’t understand why he cares so fucking much. When I refused to return to the house that first day, he went back into town and returned with all this shit for us to camp outside. Being in the house where I had walls all around me made me feel trapped, I couldn’t breathe. Being out here makes me feel free and in control. Trey never questioned my reasons why, he just set up camp and told me to get a good night's rest because we were going to begin training the next day. Every day since, that is what we have been doing. We train from sunup to sundown. Xander turning up was unexpected and shocked me but I won’t allow my past to taint my plans for the future. What he and I shared long ago means nothing to me now, he means nothing to me.
I have five days to work on training and keeping my emotions locked down before we reroute that boat of women and start rescuing my army.
I blew off training with Doxy this morning, hearing her speak about what she went through like that made me sick to my stomach.
Is that what my mother suffered?
I scrub my hand down my face and growl in frustration, Xander’s presence here has changed her. It took me over a week to get her to converse with me but the moment he turned up she went from open to closed off and dark. I know there is history there because she has told me a bit about her past and even if she doesn’t show it, I can see that he hurt her… badly.
“We need to have a chat.” I don’t bother to turn or even acknowledge his presence. I’m not in the mood to go another round with this dick because he thinks he has some type of claim over Doxy, he doesn’t! He drops down beside me and I can feel the vexation rolling off him in waves, he hates me because she doesn’t. “What…” He takes a deep breath and steels his spine. “What happened to her.”
I cluck my tongue and slowly turn my head to the side to face him. “That is a question you need to ask her, it isn’t my story to tell.”
“I see the turmoil in her eyes every time she looks at me. I need you to tell me why.” His pleading tone has me wanting to scoff.
“You sit there and act like you have a right to feel wronged when you haven’t the slightest fucking clue as to what she had to suffer through for years.” His eyes narrow but I’m far from fucking done. “You come here and think you have a right to feel a certain way when you fucking don’t. She suffered because you and the rest of her family gave up?—”
“I never fucking gave up on her!” he roars.
I push to my feet. He mimics my move and stands before me vibrating with rage but I ignore it as I hold his gaze and speak.
“She doesn’t see it that way. I only know very little about what she suffered through. Pushing her to speak only forces her to retreat further inside herself. She feels nothing, her emotions are nonexistent at this point, all she can feel is anger and the thirst for blood.”
“I can’t allow her to go after Knox,” he says ominously.
“Then pack your shit and get the fuck out of here because I’m going after him. The only reason you are still breathing is because it was memories of you that kept my mind occupied while they fucked me.” Xander and I both stiffen and slowly turn to face her. She stands there looking like a fallen angel with her hair billowing around her like armor.
“You can’t kill your own brother, Wav…” He cuts himself off when she pins him with a hard glare, he sighs as he scrubs a hand down his face before continuing. “Doxy,” he whispers. I fight the flinch from breaking free. I hate that she refuses to let go of that vile name but it’s her choice. I just wish my mother had her strength.