Page 14 of Fractured Heart
Two days later…
Much to mine and Trey’s dismay, Xander won’t leave. Tonight we leave to head to Belfast so we can intercept Karl’s shipment. Thanks to Trey’s grandfather and the fact Karl has been robbing his family behind their backs, we have the help of his Clan Chiefs and with Trevante as the Warlord for his organization, he has men on the inside who have sent word that, Mike, Tom, Jones and Aaron will be at the docks tonight. Those four will be crossed off my list tonight. By the end of tonight, I will have crossed seven of the cunts off.
“Are you ready, Doxy?” I turn away from the smoldering fire and face Trey. Since living out in the woods he has ditched the suits and wears jeans and plain shirts. The new look actually suits him, but unlike Xander, Trey wears clothing with color.
“Yeah,” I answer and stroll past him, ignoring Alexander completely. I can’t stomach the sight of him and the way he looks at me with pity. I don’t fucking need it. I’m not a victim, I am a fucking survivor and I clawed my way out of that hellhole. I didn’t need them to save me, I saved myself!
I refused to ride shotgun, wanting to be in the back so I could keep them both in my sights at all times. Old habits die hard and all that shit I guess. I can feel them sneaking glances at me but ignore them. Tonight is a huge test. Freeing these women is going to be a massive blow to Karl’s income. I plan to stop all of his shipments and then burn down each of his clubs that sell these women. Anyone who has purchased from him will die. I will never allow anyone to live as I did, that is a fate worse than death.
“We have to meet with the others before we hit the docks. You okay with that?” Trey asks, breaking the tension-filled silence. I keep my gaze focused out the window, drinking in the sight of the landscape and loving my newfound freedom. So much has changed in the world over the years. They now have scooters that are electric and even some of the cars don’t use gas now.
“I’ll address them.” Their sharp intake of breath has me gritting my teeth. They think because I was tortured and raped for years that men frighten me, they’re fucking wrong. Only two men have me doubting myself and that is Ron and Karl. Once I have dealt with them both, only then I will be truly free.
“I don’t want to sound like?—”
“Shut the fuck up, she said she’ll do it and she will.” I hate to admit it but I appreciate Grayson backing me up. Knox and Taylan would always treat me like a little girl and worry over shit that would happen but Xander never did. He treated me as an equal and it’s nice to know he still views me as that even after knowing what I went through. No one utters another word for the remainder of the drive. I spend that time planning our attack. While being fucked over the desk at Karl’s, I spotted the blueprint layout of the ship and the hull where they store the women. I also know the guard schedule and when they change shifts. I plan to make this quick and easy without alerting anyone we are even there.
We pull into the parking lot of a warehouse district. It’s dark and looks abandoned but when Trey honks his horn the roller on one of the large warehouses opens and he pulls the car in. My eyes widen at the sight of numerous men milling about with other vehicles parked inside. Before he kills the engine he turns back to me and smiles reassuringly.
“I’ll take you to my grandfather first and then you can do your thing.” I nod, then step out not waiting for them. I can feel the gazes of all these men on me as I move toward the back of the warehouse without waiting for the guys. If I am to show these men that I am woman enough to lead them, I need to show them that I can do it on my own without needing my hand being held because let me tell you, it doesn’t. I feel Xander and Trey at my back. They say nothing as I slow my steps when the men begin to part and I spot an older man sitting in the back on a brown leather sofa with a cigar clasped between his fingers. At the sight of me he releases the smoke he just inhaled and runs his gaze over me, not in a leering way but in appraisal. I stand tall and keep my head held high as I look to either side of him to see five other men seated, they all look to be in their late fifties and carry an air of power with them. Silence stretches for what feels like forever before the older man finally speaks.
“It takes a strong woman with balls of steel to walk in here through all of my men without cowering behind her guards.”
I scoff, his brows raise at my blatant disrespect but I push on. “If anyone needs guards it’s them.” I sneer jabbing my thumb over my shoulder toward Trevante and Alexander.
“One of those guards is my grandson who I am very fond of and from what I hear, he is fond of you and has given strict instructions that you are not to be harmed.” I keep the surprise from my face.
“I don’t need his protection,” I growl.
“That may be so, but you are in a room filled with men who could easily overpower you.” As if to prove his point a guy I spot out of the corner of my eye takes a step toward me. Before he can even blink, I yank the blade from my waistband and have it pressed against his throat. His eyes widen. I take in the sight of him and shake my head.
“You’re just a kid,” I say quietly. The boy gulps and darts his gaze to the old man waiting for instruction but all he is met with is laughter. Ignoring Trey’s grandfather, I focus on the kid in front of me until I feel someone coming from behind me. In a swift move, I grab my other knife with my free hand and press the tip into the stomach of the bastard who tried to rush me. Xander and Trey both begin to shout and fight but they are held back by a half dozen men. Tired of this bullshit I keep both my blades pressed to each of these pricks as I focus back on Reid Solomon. “You want to keep measuring who’s cock is bigger or do you want to take out your son?” The carefree look evaporates from his face, then he clicks his fingers and both the guys step back. The boy swallows audibly as he slinks back into the crowd.
The other fucker tries to come at me again but Trey manages to break free and rushes him shoving him backward, then punching him square in the nose. The fucker drops to the ground as Trey whirls on his grandfather.
“She’s with me and if any of you try to touch her or even look at her in a way I don’t like, I’ll slit your throat in front of your mother before I kill your entire family. Fuck around and find out, I dare you.” The dominance in his tone has me looking up at him with a brow raised. His chest rises and falls in rapid succession as he tries to calm his anger. Xander breaks free and comes to stand on my other side but unlike Trey, Xander draws his gun and points it at the old man. Chaos erupts and all the men surrounding us draw their weapons and have them trained on us as they shout for both Xander and me to drop our weapons. “Stop this!” Trey shouts at his grandfather but he isn’t listening, his gaze laser focused on me.
When he speaks, all the voices around us quiet immediately. “How is a little thing like you going to help rid me of my son without causing a war within my family?”
I don’t falter in my response. “Simple. I’m going to take out his operations and then go after each of his inner circle, forcing him to flee and hide. I’ll have him thinking that every man he trusts has turned on him, forcing him to run. When he thinks he has run far enough away and is looking over his shoulder constantly without being able to trust anyone, I will take him out and then I will claim his place as the leader of the Irish.” Laughter sounds out around us but I pay these fuckers no mind.
“What did my son do to you?” Reid asks. I sheathe my blades in my waistband and grip the hem of my shirt, Xander and Trey try to stop me but I shove them both away as I yank the shirt over my head and turn my back to Reid so he can see all the scars. The sharp intake of breaths around the room is all I need to know that they can all see them. I slowly turn back to Reid and point to the long scar down the middle of my torso.
“Your son gave me all those scars and more on my ass and legs, but this one is my favorite.” Reid slowly climbs to his feet with a horrified look on his face, the other five men follow his lead when he comes closer and stops a couple of feet away from me.