Page 17 of Fractured Heart
“She looks like a wet dream.” I grit my teeth at the fucker’s comment and try to ignore him as I listen to her relaying orders to the ten guys that came with us. She refused to allow more, saying they would draw too much attention. “She was born for this shit.” I hate to fucking agree with the dick, but watching her and seeing her command a group of men without an ounce of fear shows he’s right.
“She should never have had to suffer to end up here,” I spit out.
“No, she shouldn’t have, but going through that shit shaped her to be the woman that now stands before us. She needs us both, Xander.” I turn and glower at the bastard but he keeps his gaze ahead. “You may not like it or even want to admit it to yourself but you know I’m right.” I don’t bother answering because fuck him! When I move to take the lead I attempt to reach for her but she shoots me a scathing look.
“You try that shit again and I will put a knife between your fucking eyes. You follow me.” My nostrils flare in anger but she doesn’t stick around for a response, she takes off down the steep bank with the others trailing after her. Gritting my teeth, I fall into step beside Trey and follow after her.
We’re all hiding behind a large container as we wait for the two scouts Wave sent out to return. When they do, they go straight to her, not Nano. She nods to the two guys, then looks at all of us.
“We move quickly and silently, I want these women gone before Karl’s men arrive,” she says.
“How are we getting them out of here?” the guy to my left asks.
“Peta is bringing a truck, he’ll be here in ten minutes,” Nano answers. Done with the discussion, Wave takes off with all of us trailing after her, all our heads on a swivel as we cross the open space. As we board the ship, Wave draws both her blades and it takes every ounce of self-control I have not to dart in front of her and take the lead.
“Protect her but stop trying to hold her back.” I snarl at Trevante over my shoulder before darting through the metal door after Wave. She doesn’t falter in her steps. She’s sure and moves with poise like she has done this a million times. How she knows where to go is beyond me. When we finally get to the engine room, I look around but see nothing, she continues on until she reaches the back wall where there is a set of lockers.
“Move this,” she demands. Two men brush past Trey and me and shift the lockers out of the way to expose a door with a padlock on it. Wave doesn’t ask, she just snags the gun from the guy closest to her holster, turns and shoots the lock, causing all our ears to ring. She hands the gun back to the guy without a word and kicks the door open. The moment she does, we are assaulted by the stench of piss and… fuck, that’s definitely shit I smell. Screams sound out but that doesn’t deter Wave as she raises her hands in the air, showing she isn’t a threat. “We are here to help you and set you free but in order for us to do that, I need you to be quiet and trust me because the man that brought you here has men coming to collect you very soon and believe me, you won’t like what happens.”
“Why should we trust you?” one of the girls calls out.
She doesn’t falter in her response. “Because two weeks ago I was you and now I am standing before all of you trying to save your lives so you don’t suffer the same fate I did.” Her words seem to be enough for them to trust in her. She steps aside as the girls slowly start trickling out. My eyes widen at the sight of them, they look malnourished and filthy, some of them look deathly ill.
“Follow me but be quiet,” the guy behind Trey says. He leads the girls out of the room and they all shakily follow after him. Bile rises in my throat and disgust churns my stomach, how the fuck could someone do this?
“Eight of the girls didn’t make it,” I hear Wave say to the two guys beside her. “Put the locker back and let’s go.” Her tone is hard and unyielding, she brushes past us without a glance and races after the girls. Once we make it back to the dock, the truck is already there and the girls are being loaded inside. At the sight of a girl no older than ten I freeze. She’s a fucking child and here she is about to be sold to some sick cunt that will rape her all because he has a kiddy fetish.
“Peta will take them back and hold them at the warehouse until we return,” Nano says to Wave as she stands back with her arms crossed over her chest, watching the girls with anger in her eyes.
“Once the truck is gone I want this area surrounded. Mike, Tom, Jones and Aaron will be the ones to board the boat. The moment they are inside your men will move in on the drivers,” she says.
“What about the four on the boat?” he queries.
“They are going to burn alive for what they did to me. As soon as the men take out the drivers, pull them back because that boat will go up in seconds.” I frown at her words but she continues to explain to Nano. “I may have caused a gas leak in the engine room.”
“Holy fuck, while we were standing there with our dicks in our hands she was already onto phase two,” Trey mutters from beside me. Too stunned to say anything, I just nod.
The moment the truck leaves the dock we all scatter and hide in the shadows or behind containers as we wait. Twenty minutes later a truck and four SUVs pull up. I spy Wave from the corner of my eye, she tenses as men begin to exit the cars and her jaw works side to side. I know without a doubt some of those cunts out there are the ones who hurt her. My blood boils in my veins with the need to skin each of the cocksuckers alive for touching her. I shift but she clamps her hand down on my shoulder. I meet her dark gaze.
“They are mine, you don’t get to play hero. You lost that right when you didn't try to find me. I will save myself and kill each of those sons of bitches for killing a part of me until there is nothing left!”
The moment Mike, Aaron, Jones and Tom enter the boat like I knew they would, they always do the collections because they like to try out the merchandise to make sure they are good enough for sale before delivering them to Karl. I nock an arrow and peer around the container, lining up one of the bald-headed fucks with the long beard in my sight. I take a deep breath, then let the arrow go. Warmth spreads through me when I see the arrow pierce the side of his neck. Before a commotion can start my guys rush out of their hiding places and take out the rest of the six. One shot rings out and I curse beneath my breath before racing toward the boat, knowing those fuckers would have heard the shot.
I feel Xander and Trey hot on my ass but they don’t try to stop me as I jump onto the boat. I make it to the door in time to see Mike and Tom at the end of the small hallway inside the boat, their eyes widen at the sight of me.
“Doxy?” Mike breathes. I harden my gaze as I look at them.
“Come fight me, baby, you know how much I love it when you fight.” I throw their words back in their faces. Before I can say anything else, Xander hauls me backward as Trey steps in front and tosses something inside.
“Rot in hell, motherfuckers,” he snarls before slamming the door closed and turning the wheel to lock it.
“Move, now!” Xander screams at me. The three of us run and leap back onto the dock, each of the guys grabbing my arms and dragging me after them. When I hear an explosion behind me and the force of the blast sends the three of us sailing through the air, I know now that Trey threw a grenade inside the boat. I slam against the hard ground with a grunt, only for the air to be knocked out of me a fraction of a second later when those two fucking idiots land on top of me. I grit my teeth and struggle beneath their fucking weight until they shift off me, my body aching as I push to sit up and hiss when a stabbing makes itself known in my side. “You okay?” I nod and grit my teeth as I push to my feet. I’ve endured worse than this.
The heat from the flames can be felt all the way back here, the three of us were lucky to escape with our lives and have no life threatening injuries. I glance back to see Trey offering his hand to Xander, who stares at it for a second before accepting his help to his feet.