Page 26 of Fractured Heart
“Doxy?” The three of us snap our gazes toward the doorway to see Calvin standing there.
“What is it?” she asks as she pushes back from the counter. I can tell from a glance at Xander that not being the one in charge is new for him as well and taking a significant amount of strength from the both of us to remain seated and allow her to conduct herself.
“We got word that Ron will be there tonight.” I see the muscles in her back tense up and that is the only indication she gives that she is affected by his words, her face is a picture of rage.
“Donald and Ron are to be taken alive, the rest can die,” she says in a cold tone. Calvin reaches back and rubs his neck shooting her a sheepish look. “What?”
“The men won’t listen to me, I have no rank so I think it may be best if they hear that from you directly.” The way in which he speaks and looks at her with respect goes a long fucking way in my book.
“Let’s go,” she clips out as she leads him from the room. Xan and I sit here and watch her leave. I can’t help but smile, the day we fled Karl’s house she was a mess of nerves and I could see the anxious energy swirling in the depths of her eyes but now, all you see when you look at her is fierce determination.
“I’m gonna make her need us,” he vows from beside me.
“She doesn’t need anyone, all she needs is herself.”
“No.” I face him and quirk a brow. “She does need us, she doesn’t want to admit it to herself.”
“So, you do agree there is an us?” I say, trying to lighten the mood. Xander pins me with a deadpan look.
“The fact you licked my dick should be enough clarification for you.” Laughter booms out of me as he shakes his head and mutters about me being an asshole.
Breaching the club was easy, no man ever pays a woman any mind or thinks she is plotting mass murder. All these pigs see is a sexy woman in skimpy clothes who they hope to fuck by the end of the night. Ignoring all of their stares, I head straight to the back, making sure to keep my head down so I’m not spotted on the cameras. Once I hit the back of the club, I tap the earpiece twice so it activates.
“I’m in, heading to the girls now,” I say. Trey, Xan and the other men are all surrounding the building, I refused to rush in here guns blazing and risk one of the girls being caught in the crossfire.
“Keep your head on a swivel, they would have marked you from the second you entered that building,” Xander says through the coms.
“You have three minutes tops before they come looking for you, cameras or not. It is unusual for a woman to enter those clubs freely, move your sexy ass now,” Trey adds. I ignore the idiots as I maneuver my way down the dimly lit hallway. There are no guards which doesn’t surprise me. They have beaten all of these women into submission and rule them by fear, and there is no escape from this part of the building, only the front door and the fire exit behind the bar.
I hear soft murmurs behind the second to last door on the left. I pause and listen closely and when I hear only female voices, I push the door open only to be greeted by a horrific sight. I draw my gun without hesitation and raise it, his surprised gaze is latched onto mine.
“I have Donald and the girls, move in now and secure their exit.” Donald grips the girl's hair who is on her knees with his cock in her mouth and shoves her aside. He doesn’t even bother to put his pathetic cock away before taking a step toward me. I flick the safety off in warning.
“I wondered where you got to, Doxy,” he purrs, making me feel sick.
“Take another step and I'll put you down,” I snarl, the cunt just smirks and wags his eyebrows as if he thinks I’m joking. That is the only warning he’ll get from me. The second he lifts his foot, I fire the first shot. The girls all scream and rush to the back of the room where they huddle together as I close the space between me and Donald, loving the sight of him on his knees and clutching his shoulder where I shot him.
“You fucking bitch—” He doesn’t get a chance to finish. “Argh!” he roars so fucking loud as I fire a second shot.
“Keep it down, Donald, you’re going to alert everyone to the fact I just shot your little dick off.” He tips his head back and stares up at me with tears in his eyes. He looks like a pathetic little bitch, whimpering because I shot his baby dick.
“Why?” That one fucking word has every ounce of anger I have buried inside me rushing to the surface. A haze overcomes me and I guess I must have blacked out because when I return to my senses Trey and Xan are there, pulling me off Donald. His face is unrecognizable and covered in blood. I see patches of blood covering his arms, chest and legs and frown. Looking down to my hands that are covered in blood I spot the knife clutched in my grasp and frown.
When did I pull my knife?
Darting my gaze back to Donald, I notice that his cheek is sliced and his eyeball on the left side hangs loosely against his cheek by the muscles. When Xander and Trevante release their hold on me to go and check on the girls, I crawl forward until I’m kneeling beside his lifeless body. His one eye that is open is bloodshot and filled with terror. That look sends a delicious shiver down my spine, his mutilated body brings a dark smile to my face. The stab wounds that litter his body fill me with a sense of strength I didn’t know I possessed. I close my eyes and take a deep breath savoring this moment.
I waited years for this feeling.
“Waverly!” I snap my eyes and pin Xander with a glare for using that fucking name, he knows better but the longer I look at him I frown. He looks… worried. “Don’t look at me like that, I’ve been calling your name for ages and you were zoned out. We need to move now. Calvin and the others have rigged this place to blow in five minutes.”
I nod and tear my gaze from his to look down at Donald again, for years he terrorized me and enjoyed every moment. “That was for my son, you piece of shit. May you rot in fucking hell until I get there, we’ll meet again motherfucker but next time, you won’t die quickly.” I sneer in disgust then spit right in his face. Xander grabs my arm and drags me to my feet before pulling me after him. I spot Trey waiting for us at the end of the hall with a concerned look on his face.
“Later, we need to move now,” Xander snaps. Trey nods and then falls into step behind me as we rush through the club. I look around in surprise at the bodies that are scattered around the floor. Blood coats every surface, the sight of the carnage brings a warmth to my body that feels euphoric.
Once we arrived back at the cabin, Trey and Xander tried to get me to shower but I brushed them off and went in search of the girls that are currently congregated in the makeshift hall in the center of camp. Men scramble to get out of my way and bow their heads in respect, I earned that shit! For so many years I wasn’t seen, if someone did notice me I was seen as an object, something for them to play with. I was nothing, meant nothing and no one respected or gave a shit about me.