Page 34 of Fractured Heart
I’ll admit, they have worked me over pretty fucking well but I see from the glint in Karl and Ron’s eyes that the both have something in store for me. I frown when Ron walks across the room and retrieves a metal bucket. I begin to think that they are going to strap me to a table and place a rat beneath the bucket on my stomach and then heat it so it claws its way through my insides. He holds my attention with rapt interest when he positions the bucket in front of me and gets right up in my face.
“You’ll get special treatment because I know how much she likes you.” My brows raise as my face clears of all emotion. “Hmmmm, she tasted so good.” I jerk forward and headbutt the cunt. He stumbles back cursing and holding his nose as it gushes out with blood.
“You’ll pay for that!” Karl roars before stalking across the room to the metal cart and grabbing a whip. I stare the cunt down. I’ve seen the scars on her body, I know he did that to her and if he thinks I will shrink away and cower in fear he’s fucking wrong. He comes to stand behind me and tears the back of my shirt open, exposing my naked flesh.
“You’re going to fucking wish I killed you slowly,” Ron promises as he steps aside just as Karl cracks the whip, taunting me. I brace and try to prepare myself for what is to come. Their laughter ricochets around the room, building to the anticipation of what is about to happen. I close my eyes and force my mind to quieten and lock away all my emotions.
He can’t hurt me, she isn’t here.
I keep repeating that over and over in my head, reminding myself that no physical pain can harm me, the only person that can hurt me is nowhere near here. I hear the whip crack again and ready myself for the inevitable lashing that is coming my way.
“Twenty should be enough to get us started before Ron gets to play with you. Same rules apply, your whore knew them well. You count them aloud, the moment you stop we begin again.” Shock, shame, anger and guilt war inside me at the knowledge of how she had to live through this shit for years. “You scream out or pass out, we begin again.”
“I’m going to flay you alive, peel the skin from your fucking bones while—” The whip sails through the air and the burning pain that rips through me is a feeling I can’t even put into words. I gasp and draw in a sharp intake of breath as I breathe through the searing pain.
“He didn’t count it out loud, boss,” Ron says with humor in his tone.
“No, he didn’t. We’ll class that as a warm up strike, shall we?” Karl answers. I hear the tip of the whip drag along the ground and tense in anticipation of the pain that is coming but then a phone ringing breaks the tension in the room. “I don’t like interruptions when I am teaching!” Karl scolds. Ron quickly fishes out his phone and hits answer.
“Darling, daddy is—” Ron clamps his mouth closed and darts a fearful look to Karl before placing the call on speaker.
“Do I have your attention?” My eyes widen at the sound of Waverly’s voice.
“If you hurt a single hair on their?—”
She cuts Ron off before he can finish. “Shut the fuck up. You don’t call the shots here, you do as I say and I won’t let thirty men take turns on your wife Meg. When they tire of her, your daughters Christine and Zoe can take their mother’s spot and entertain my men. Now, do I have your attention?” Karl moves toward Ron with the whip still clasped in his hand, they share a loaded look before Ron swallows and answers.
“You have my attention,” he sneers. I wipe the shock from my face and play it cool.
“Now, I assume by the big boy tone of your voice that you’re with that dead man walking.” Karl beams like a proud father.
“Are you ready to come home, Doxy?”
“Say another fucking word you cock sucking son of a cunt and I’ll slit his daughter’s throats.” Ron stumbles back a couple steps and shoots Karl a pleading look, he was untouchable a minute ago but with the threat of his daughters lives on the line he’s been reduced to a fucking puppet.
My girl did that shit!
“What are your terms, Doxy?” Karl asks, Ron’s eyes widen with a pleading look asking him to shut the fuck up but Karl ignores him. He doesn’t give a fuck about Ron’s daughters, he just wants to taunt Doxy.
“You have something that belongs to me.” Karl snaps his gaze to me and sneers while I smirk. “I want him back.” She sounds like a fucking queen.
“I am the leader of this family, you are nothing but a common whore that can be replaced in a?—”
“You have three hours to bring him to me unharmed or I start with the wife then move on to the daughters. Don’t be late.” The second she ends the call, Ron is shouting and pleading for Karl to release me and save the lives of his family. I bite back the snort from breaking free. Ten minutes ago he had the biggest dick energy and now he is a pleading pussy.
“I will not meet the demands of some fucking whore!” Karl roars, silencing Ron. “He is going nowhere, she’s a stupid cunt.”
“How so?” Ron asks.
“She’s at your house. Get the men, we’re going to get that bitch back. She needs to be taught a lesson and I am dying to give it to her in front of this soon to be dead bastard.” Both of them stroll out of the room and slam the door closed behind themselves. I hear the lock click into place and smirk.
Their greatest mistake is underestimating her. I bet my life on the fact she isn’t at Ron’s house and is staking out this joint.
I toss the phone back to Trey and recline in my seat as we wait for Karl and Ron to make their move. I know Karl better than he knows himself. He’s going to call the men he has on his payroll and bring them all here to his safe house in the hills where they will hatch a plan to come after me at Ron’s house. Idiot. Trey and the other Captains were able to pinpoint three locations where he could be hiding and sure enough, we found them at the second location.
“You’re not really going to hurt them… are you?” I lull my head to the side and stare out the window as I answer Brett.