Page 58 of Fractured Heart
“Hey!” We snap apart and turn to Xan who stands there with his arms crossed over his chest, looking at us with a stern look. “Your cock is staying in your fucking pants, three days is what the doc said.” Trey and I groan.
“This fucking blows, I’m horny,” I whine and stomp my foot.
Xander smirks cockily at me. “Sorry, baby, doc said no sex for three days before we have to jizz in the cup. Believe me, I am dying to be balls deep in that tight little cunt but I want our baby.” My heart softens in my chest. Eight weeks ago, Lakeland flew here with my brother and a huge stack of papers. They sat the three of us down and slapped the papers on the table in the middle of us as Lake looked me dead in the eyes and said.
“I want to have your baby.” The guys and I were stunned silent as she proceeded to explain that she would donate her eggs to be implanted with Trey and Xander’s sperm and even carry the baby for me. I looked to my brother expecting him to be against this but he smiled and nodded his head, telling me he was completely on board with this plan.
I cried.
I can never have children, that was taken from me but to have my best friend be so selfless and offer not only her body but her eggs to give me and my guys a baby is something I would never have had the balls to even dream of. We fly back to Canada tomorrow to start the first round of treatment. Lake has been taking injections every day and now that she is ovulating it’s the perfect time for the guys to come in a cup and implant their sperm in Lake. We are choosing to not find out whose sperm takes, as far we are all concerned we don’t care who the baby’s father is. It will have two daddy’s and a mommy who will love it so fucking much.
“Hold off until tomorrow night, baby,” Xan pleads as he leans down and kisses me softly.
“We’re going to have a baby,” Trey breaths out. I smile and nod my head.
“We’re going to have a baby. Fuck, I want this baby so much,” I admit.
“I know, baby. This time we’ll be with you,” Xander reassures me. We have a rule, every Saturday night no matter what is going on the three of us sit down and eat dinner while we share stories of our past. We made a deal to always be open and honest no matter what. Well, except for when one of them corners me and fucks me without the other around and then I’m forced into secrecy. I swear they know the other is fucking me because you can guarantee within the hour I’m being fucked by the other. They are so keeping score!
“I choose you both,” I say before turning around and trying to flee.
“I saw that look,” Trey shouts after me as I rush through the house heading for our bedroom.
“Get her, she’s going for the rabbit!” Xander yells. Fuck, I run as fast as I can to save my vibrator from being taken from me. I never thought my life would end up like this. I never thought I would love or feel anything again but here I am stupidly in love with these two idiots and about to have a baby.
I was forced to become Doxy Da Luca to survive but I choose to be Waverly Bronson now.
Four months later…
Leaning against the bar, I bring my Jack and Coke to my lips and take a long drag as I watch Lake and Knox dance. They look at each other with such adoration that it makes anyone around them jealous. I look beside them to see the three stars of the evening. Wave is sandwiched between Trey and Xan as they dance. It brings warmth to my chest to see her happy—fuck, it just makes me happy to see her again, point blank period!
This wedding isn’t exactly legal but no one in this room would dare to tell them otherwise, as of today Wave officially became Waverly Grayson-Kane. They wanted to be ‘married’ before the baby arrived. Oh yeah, Lake is two months pregnant with their baby and we all couldn’t be happier for them. It makes me fucking ecstatic to see them all happy.
“Bartender?” I dart my gaze to the side to see a stunning leggy blonde with… fuck are her eyes gray? She flicks her gaze to the side and sees me staring at her. She scrunches her face in disgust.
“Can I buy you a drink?” I ask after finally finding my voice.
She scoffs and shakes her head. “There’s a bar tab, you dumbass.” My jaw unhinges.
“That’s not very polite,” I tease. She turns to face me and fuck does my cock grow hard instantly at those perfectly full, pouty lips, I picture her on her knees with them wrapped around my cock.
“And what makes you think I give a fuck about what you think?” My brows raise in surprise.
“Common courtesy?” I try.
“How about you go die and I’ll pretend to shed a tear,” she snaps before she walks away. Fuck, the black dress she wears hugs her figure perfectly, fucking hell her ass is perfect.
“You are never going to bag that kitty.” I wave Kimber off as I watch my new conquest slide up beside London Murdoch. Huh, that makes total sense why she has such a bad attitude. London isn’t exactly known in my world as being kind and of sound mind.
“I’m so getting her in bed,” I declare.
Kimber snorts, earning a scowl from me. She and I have grown really close, especially since the building of the arenas is going ahead and we are both working on them for Wave but I don’t like her like that. I look at her the same way I look at Wave, I would kill a cunt for Kimber no questions asked.
“I bet you 100K you will never bag that blonde.”
I shoot her a devilish smile and nod my head eagerly. “Oh, Kimmy, you know I never lose.”