Page 56 of Tainted Essence
“That is something no uncle or father wants to see, thank you very much.”
“Well, it won’t be happening again,” I say bitterly.
“This life can take a lot from you if you let it, don’t let it rob you of happiness because of what your last name is. If you want to sneak out and go to a college party, call me, I’ll drive and not utter a word to anyone.”
I smile. “Uncle B said he has cameras all over the compound.” He lulls his head to the side and shoots me an eye roll.
“Who do you think installed those cameras and setup the system?”
I gape at him. “Damn, that is some spy level shit.”
He chuckles and shakes his head. “Not really, I watched a YouTube video and then upgraded the system so it couldn’t be breached.” We talk the rest of the way about lame shit really but I clamp my mouth closed when we pull into the gym carpark and I see my mom’s car parked out front.
“What’s she doing here?” I mutter aloud.
“No idea but I’m walking you in.” I nod and slip out of the car. Uncle Luka walks by my side and keeps looking around as if he suspects someone is going to jump out at us. I’ve never seen him relaxed, he’s always on edge and ready to strike. We enter the gym through the staff only door, finding all the lights on which is odd for this time of night. The gym closed three hours ago. We walked past the offices, then hit the main area, only for me to slam to a halt at the sight of my parents in the ring sparring. My jaw practically hits the floor, I’ve never seen them spar before. Dad always refuses, saying mom can whoop his ass without needing to be in a ring to do it.
Uncle Luka and I remain planted to the spot as we watch them. Mom moves like a snake, so quick, so sure of her every move. Dad is lethal, even at their ages they look good. It’s gross that my dad still sports a six pack and my mom has abs just as defined as my own. They begin to circle each other and I expect Mom to be the first to make a move but I’m proven wrong when Dad does this weird side step thing and then strikes out at my mom who ducks just in time to not get hit in the side of the head.
“Come on, baby, I’m just getting warmed up here!” Dad shouts through his laughter, earning a glare from my mom.
“Your pussy footwork won’t save you.”
“Oh, but you love when I play with that pussy.”
Oh my God, eww!
“Yeah, I’m out!” Uncle Luka announces loud enough for them to hear. Mom and Dad both turn toward us, neither of them looking remorseful about me hearing that disgusting shit my dad just spewed! Uncle Luka taps me on the shoulder and wishes me luck before he vanishes out the way we came.
“Dest, I knew you would come here first.” I scrunch my face in disgust and look away from my dad, utterly disgusted by what I just heard. “Are you blushing?”
I scoff. “No!” I snarl as I stomp across the gym and drop down on the bench seat by the ring.
“Don’t be grossed out, you should be proud that your parents can still get down and dirty.”
“Oh my God, eww, Dad!”
“Gage!” Mom and I both say at the same time, Dad just stands there with his arms resting on the ropes shaking with laughter. I huff and cross my arms over my chest.
“You both are nasty as fuck, you know that, right?” Dad laughs louder while Mom uses my dad’s body as a shield so she can laugh out of sight.
“Get changed and get your gloves, if we’re doing this I’m not doing it bare knuckles.” Dad’s laughter dies off immediately at my mom’s admission. I stare at her, thinking she is pulling a prank but the firm set of her jaw shows me she isn’t bluffing. I leap to my feet, grinning and dash into the locker room to change into my spare clothes I leave here. I change in record time, then run back into the gym and gag at the sight of my parents making out in the middle of the ring.
“Stop that shit!” I shout. They break a part but not before I catch the lustful looks they shoot each other. “Jesus, why couldn’t I have parents that hated touching each other?” I grumble as I climb into the ring ignoring their laughter. Dad comes to grab my hands, I hold them out for him to tape.
“No, she won’t need it,” Mom says stopping him. I shoot her a look over his shoulder.
“Why?” I ask.
“You won’t need it, baby, this isn’t about winning or losing.” I frown, not understanding what she means, but I don’t argue. Dad helps me get the gloves on but the tension in the room starts to shift and I don’t like it.
“You both are acting weird, why?” I ask once Dad finishes gloving me up. Instead of answering me, he cups my face and places a tender kiss to the top of my head. When he pulls back the look of anguish in his eyes has me utterly confused. “Are you okay?”
He tries to smile to reassure me but it doesn’t meet his eyes. “No matter what, we will always love you, Destiny.”
I frown. “I know, I love both of you too.” He nods and steps back, facing my mom they share a loaded look before Dad nods and then steps out of the ring.
“Don’t make me regret agreeing to allow both my girls to fight each other… please.” I look at each of them utterly perplexed. I can feel they are up to something but neither of them is giving up any information.