Page 14 of Naked Coffee Guy
You said we’re standing on holy ground
You took off my shoes as you set my crown
You wanted the earth to meet our feet
But as we danced, you dragged me down.
Because dancing with you is to dance with the devil
Your kingdom is built with the hearts that you break
You said you wanted the earth as your witness
Did it witness your lies from each promise you make?
I drank your poison, but I made my escape.
I look toward Mac the whole time I’m singing, who has finally stopped talking with that chick. At first, he seems pissed when he realizes the song is about him. But then his face relaxes into a grin, which only infuriates me more. When I’m done, he gives me a standing ovation—the icing on the cake.
“I’m going to take ten, so use this time to grab a drink from the bar or order dessert. And don’t forget to tip the staff, they work hard to get you all drunk.” The crowd laughs as I leave the stage. I can feel Mac’s eyes on me as I make a beeline for the bar, and I can’t help wondering if his girlfriend notices how much attention he’s giving me.
“The usual?” Ethan asks from behind the bar. I love that even though he owns the place, he also works alongside his staff.
“Sure,” I say just as he places a soda water with a lime and a splash of tonic.
“I’ll have what she’s having,” a voice says behind me, and I groan without turning around. Ethan looks at me and gives a silent head tilt. Is that him? I nod ever so slightly, and he does his best to bite back a smile.
“Here you go, bud,” Ethan says. “On the house.”
“Traitor,” I mouth, though I know for a fact that Ethan doesn’t charge anyone for soda water. Still, he should have charged Mac a premium price just on principal alone. If his face is really on a billboard, I’m sure he can afford a measly soda water.
It’s obvious Mac isn’t going to leave, so I finally turn around only to find him too close to be a mere acquaintance. I’m pinned between him and the bar, his arm resting beside me as he leans in, forcing me to look up at him. His scent is intoxicating, a hint of cedar that goes straight through me, channeling my core in ways that make my breath feel shallow. Everything about him is electrifying, and I’m implicitly aroused. Get a grip, Maren.
“Interesting song lyrics.” He challenges me with his icy blue eyes and consuming stare. I sip my soda, trying to will my beating heart to calm the fuck down.
“I like to sing from the heart,” I finally bite out, hoping the edge in my voice hides the hammering in my chest.
“About anyone I know?”
I lick my lips, meeting his electric gaze with a bit of my own ice. “No one worth remembering,” I say.
“You wrote a whole damn song about him. That doesn’t sound like anyone you’ve forgotten.”
I don’t answer. I’m not even sure what to say. I want him to know just how much I hate him, but I don’t want him to know I spend every day thinking about him. And now that I know his nearly naked morning stroll leads right by my kitchen window, I’m not sure I can shake him…or that I want to.
He moves closer, his warm breath invading my breathing space. My whole body betrays me as I inhale his woodsy scent, imagining myself claimed within his massive arms.
“You left,” he growls, and this time his blue eyes are full of fire. This is different from the man I met at Torches. And still, the possessive way he’s leaning toward me has me remembering the urgency of his kiss, the invitation to come home with him, and all the things he could have done to me had I accepted. I gulp, forgetting myself as I glance at his lower lip, swollen and ready for the taking above his perfectly groomed beard. But then the reason I hate him slams my memories.
Did you hear he’s been selling off properties right and left?
I push my hands against his chest, forcing him to take a step back so I can move out from under him.
“I had somewhere to be,” I counter, then turn to walk away. He grips my arm and forces me back in front of him. Miraculously, my drink stays in its glass. I glance over at Ethan, who’s busy with another customer. I know if he saw the way Mac was caging me in, he’d be around the bar in an instant. I kind of want to see that. But also, I kind of feel excited at the idea of Mac dominating me.
Cool it, Maren. This is your drought speaking.
“Get your hands off me,” I hiss, turning back to Mac and yanking myself out of his grip. “Won’t your girlfriend get mad seeing you with me?”