Page 39 of Naked Coffee Guy
“It smells heavenly in here.”
“It’s the infusion system,” he explains, “The scent comes through the water.”
I hear the distinct sound of his zipper and open one eye as his expensive ass pants fall to the floor. His manhood stands at attention in all its glory. Goddamn, the man is well endowed. He joins me in the shower, and I raise my hands to his chest as I draw closer. But he captures my hands, stopping me at the pass.
“Just relax,” he says, “let me care for you.”
He turns me and I hear the click of the shampoo bottle cap. Then his hands are in my hair, kneading my scalp, making me weak in the knees as every part of my body relaxes under his touch. He takes his time, his fingers seeming to memorize every place he touches. A small moan escapes my lips, and I can feel his cock flick at my backside.
“Down boy,” he mutters, making me laugh. I reach behind me and wrap my fingers around his shaft, and he utters a swift inhale before swatting my hand away. “There will be plenty of time for that later, but not tonight.”
I groan in protest, but honestly, it’s fine. I feel like I’ve been through the ringer tonight, and Mac’s magic hands are lulling me into an ultra-sedated state.
He rinses my hair, then follows up with conditioner. His fingers work through my drenched locks, seeking every tangle. Each tug of my hair sends shivers throughout my body.
“Ever since I saw you, I’ve been dying to run my hands through your hair,” he says.
“If I’d known it would feel like this, I would have showered with you that first night,” I joke. I’m instantly reminded of the details from that night, of why I left so suddenly. I quickly push the thought from my head. He was just the agent. It’s literally his job. It’s not his fault some asshole decided to sell the place with absolutely no warning.
“Fuck, I knew I should have led with that,” he teases back. He finishes rinsing my hair, then works at lathering my body. His hands touch every part of me, smoothing over my skin until I’m completely sudsy. Then he begins kneading my muscles, and my moan sounds almost orgasmic as it bounces off the tile.
“No, you should have led with this,” I say, melting as he works out every kink in my body. He lingers at my core, his fingers glancing off my folds in a way that makes me feel like begging.
“Tomorrow,” he whispers, and I bite my lip as he moves on to my hamstrings.
By the time he shuts off the water, I am complete mush. I stand still as he grabs a towel to dry my skin, then his own, and finishes with my hair. Then, before I know what’s happening, he scoops me into his arms. I lay my head against his damp chest and feel his heart, counting the moments as he carries me to his bed. He lays me down gently on the silky sheets, and I sink into the most comfortable mattress I’ve ever laid upon. I had no idea beds could feel this way. I’m not sure I’ll remember how to fall asleep in my own bed after experiencing luxury like this.
Mac turns off all the lights, then curls up behind me. The feel of his skin is so delicious, the way his body hugs mine, his arm draped over my waist, his legs tangled with mine. It’s like I’m in a cocoon, which also includes a hard cock nestled between my thighs.
“Don’t worry about him,” he murmurs with a chuckle when I burrow against him. “He’ll go to sleep soon, and so will I.”
He nuzzles his face against the back of my neck, and I can feel myself sliding into sleep. For the first time in my life, I feel completely safe.
This is what it feels like to be cherished. As I fade from consciousness, I know I’ll never be able to settle for less.
The light is streaming through the windows when I open my eyes a crack. It takes me a moment to gain my bearings, but the satin sheets are the first clue. I’m in Mac’s bed. Alone.
I sit up and look around as if he’ll come out of hiding. He’s not here, but the ocean is—like right there in his backyard.
I slip out of bed, pulling a sheet with me to cover my naked body, and head to the window. The view is incredible. I recall all the ways I kind of turned my nose up at his wealth, and this view makes me want to take it all back. I would sell my soul for this. He basically owns his own cliffside, and the ocean stretches as far as the eye can see. There’s not even a need for me to cover up because there is no one else to see. So I drop the sheet and spread my arms wide, feeling free and easy with all this nature around me.
“Now, that’s a sight,” Mac says from behind me. I look over my shoulder and shake my behind at him, and he rumbles a growl in response.
“Careful girl, I just might pounce on you before you get your first sip of coffee.”
Just the mention of coffee awakens all my senses. I inhale the rich aroma, along with the breakfast he has on a tray—bacon, eggs, sourdough toast, and a bowl of fresh berries.
Then I realize it’s a hell of a lot later than I thought.
“Damnit, I slept in!” I start to scramble for my clothes, but he takes me by the wrist.
“Calm down, I already called you out.”
I stop at that, pausing as I make sense of his words.
“You…called me out?”
“Yeah. You’re feeling awfully sick, so sick you couldn’t even make it to the phone. So I had to call your work for you and let them know you won’t be making it today.”