Page 92 of Savior Complex
“You first,” I prompt, making way for her. I take a moment to study what she’s wearing, and yup, flawless. It’s simple and black, but completely form hugging—and Jordy has curves in all the right ways. Her tan skin is practically glowing, and despite the slight chill in the air, she wears nothing to cover herself up, nor shows any sign of being cold. Her jewelry is silver and diamonds, adding the perfect amount of sparkle to her outfit. She easily outshines everyone here, especially me. I thought I looked very Andie Anderson in this dress. Now I feel like Big Bird. Especially as her perfect ass sways down the aisle before she sits next to Brayden, and I waddle after her.
The seats fill quickly as soon as the orchestra begins playing. I wrap my shawl around me, feeling alone as Jordy steals most of Brayden’s attention. My parents are in the seats in front of us, and my dad turns around and squeezes my hand.
“You look beautiful, Antonina,” he says. When my mom uses my full name, it’s because I’m in trouble. But when my dad uses it, it’s because he’s proud of me. It’s been a while since he’s said it, and I glow under the compliment.
My mom doesn’t even acknowledge me.
“You really do,” Jordy whispers once my dad has turned back around. I blush under her compliment.
“Thanks, but nothing compared to you. You look so elegant.”
“I forgot I even had this dress,” Jordy says. “It’s very last season, but it works.”
It’s not last season. It’s timeless, and I know she knows this. But I still kind of appreciate her humbleness, which feels genuine—which makes me feel like an absolute ogre.
The orchestra finishes their song, and then allows for a moment’s pause. When they play again, I recognize it as an acoustic version of “Fever Dream,” by Iron & Wine, not readily known but a surprisingly perfect song for the wedding party to walk down the aisle. I turn with everyone else, and see Ethan walk first.
As long as I’ve been alive, there’s been Ethan. My dad and his brother are very close, which means we spent a lot of time with Ethan’s family. But when Ethan’s dad, Uncle Tom, split for another woman, my dad cut ties with his brother. He didn’t cut ties with my aunt, though. We took them in, and they lived with us for a few years before Aunt Stacy could make it on her own.
So in a way, Ethan feels like a brother to me, even if we aren’t as close in our adult years.
While we’ve become distant, I still recognize that smile on his face, the one that says he’s about to get something he’s always dreamed of having. Back then, it was a new video game, or a double-double from In-N-Out, or his favorite sports team was about to win it all.
Today, he’s getting the girl.
I watch as Ethan approaches my row, and I’m so proud of the man he’s turned out to be, and also that he’s marrying the woman he loves. His eyes catch mine, and his expression turns to one of Can you believe this is happening? I grin and give him a thumbs up before he passes my row and reaches the front of the church.
Next are the mothers of the bride and groom, who chose to walk down the aisle together, arm in arm. Even though I don’t know Claire well, I do know that she’s had a difficult relationship with her mother, who finally decided to get clean last year.
Maren is next, and every eye is on my friend as she classes up the place in her green gown. I take the moment to find Mac a few rows over. His eyes are on her, and when she glances his way, he mouths I love you.
The rest of the wedding party makes their way down the aisle, but we’re all impatient to see the bride. I know I am. It wasn’t long ago that I thought Claire was the most annoying person on the planet. But over the past few weeks, I’ve realized she wasn’t half bad. In fact, maybe she’s pretty cool.
The music shifts, and I recognize it as another Iron & Wine song—“Love and Some Verses.” Everyone rises, which is the worst practice for people who are short like me. I can barely see over the tall people surrounding me, but when Claire appears, she takes my breath away. She’s literally the loveliest person I’ve ever seen, wearing a dress entirely made of lace that cascades behind her as she walks. On her head is a beautiful tiara instead of a veil, making her look both mystical and royal. Her makeup is beautifully understated, showing off her natural beauty, and her golden hair is in waves, brushing against her bare back.
The ceremony is more romantic than I anticipated. I never considered myself a sappy person, but being here, I can’t help but wipe at the moisture collecting in my eyes. I take a moment to look in Brayden’s direction, and I regret doing so, because at that moment, Jordy moves her hand to his leg. He promptly removes it, and Jordy quickly looks at me. There’s no denying that I saw the whole thing, but I move my eyes to the ceremony as if that’s taking all of my attention. When I dare to glance back at Brayden, my eyes fall on Jordy instead, seeing the fallen look on her face. She’s not watching the ceremony at all.
I think about how she saved me with my mom. How she was so excited to help out with the new shop I’m planning. How close we were as kids—close enough that it was clear nothing and no one should ever come between us.
What the fuck am I doing? How can I do this to her? Do I really want to be the kind of person who lets a man come between me and my closest friend and confidante? Because in everything that’s happened in our lives, Jordy and I were each other’s first friends, and I want more than anything to recapture what we once had.
I can’t have Brayden and also remain close to Jordy. And I can’t be close to Jordy and remain in Brayden’s life.
What’s more important to me?
At that moment, I feel something brush against my bare shoulder. I look over, and there’s Brayden’s arm, draped over Jordy’s chair, his fingers grazing against my shoulder. I realize at this moment that anyone could see, and we’re making Jordy out to be a fool. It’s wrong, and I can’t do this anymore.
I scoot closer to my neighbor on the left side of me, effectively out of Brayden’s reach. I don’t dare look at him, but his hand eventually finds its way back into his lap. A glance at Jordy’s face shows she’s not devastated like before, oblivious of the reason why Brayden’s arm was around her to begin with.
Once the ceremony ends, and Claire and Ethan make their way down the aisle, I murmur a goodbye to Jordy then leap up. I scramble over the rest of the row, mumbling apologies until I’m finally free. I book it away from the wedding party, trying to find a place to regain my composure. We’re stuck on this godforsaken ship, and my breath comes out in labored spurts as I fight claustrophobia. There are too many people, too little places to hide, and not enough air on this floating prison.
I finally find a corner of the ship that’s not taken and immediately take cover, catching my breath as I try to make sense of my life, what I’m actually doing.
I love Brayden. I love him so goddamn much, it hurts. I have never known someone to be so perfectly suited to me, to know me inside and out without having known me for long. Brayden and I have a lot to learn about each other, and yet I already know I can’t live without him. Every vision of my future includes him.
But how can I be with the love of my life if it means the people closest to me will reject me forever? How can I do this to Jordy, when we were once each other’s closest allies? Have I really sunk this low?
A warm hand touches the back of my neck, but I don’t flinch. I know it’s him, knowing he’d find me.