Page 133 of To Kill a King
She could always reprise her trip into the dungeons yesterday. Malkov had to hold the three prisoners somewhere for a few hours. That was the most likely location. But he’d be ready for that and have guards and ambushes set all along any possible escape routes.
The trip between the palace and the square was also probably going to be similarly watched, with the added bonus of collateral damage with all the innocent bystanders there to witness the execution.
The final option was to go to Malkov directly and hope that she could distract him long enough for Jalius and the others to get free.
A rough hand grabbed her upper arm and spun her around. “There you are, Your Majesty.” Brooks sneered as the red jewel in his forehead flashed. “I’ve been looking for you. Come on.” He jerked her toward the castle. “You have a date with your husband.”
Brooks gripped her shoulder hard enough to bruise as he hauled Aliya through the corridors of the palace minutes later. The doors to the throne room opened as they approached, surrounded by a full company of guards.
She supposed she should be honored. They were taking no chances, even with the iron manacles binding her wrists and ankles.
The polished marble floor reflected her struggling form. She would not falter in the king’s presence.
King Malkov sat on his throne. He was short of breath and there was a layer of sweat on his brow. A few members of his War Council stood on the edge of the dais.
Malkov’s lips spread in a thin smile. “My Queen. Welcome home. We’ve been very concerned for your safety.”
The council members eyed each other and shuffled to the side, out of the line of fire.
She shook out of her captor’s grip and stood tall, staring him down. “I was never safer than when I was far away from here.”
Brooks shoved her to the ground. The handcuffs chipped a small bit of marble from the floor. Her wrists and knees barked in pain.
He pressed her forehead against the cold stone. “You will address the king as Your Majesty.”
Aliya raised her head and spit at his boots. She would do no such thing.
“Stand her up.” Malkov’s voice echoed through the room.
Two guards grabbed her and yanked her upright.
“I have a gift for you, My Queen.” He waved, and two guards hauled two struggling prisoners from the shadows. The sunlight illuminated Karlee and Kord, bound with plenty of rope and iron manacles.
Aliya’s heart crashed to the ground.
Where was Jalius?
Her stomach sunk. He was probably already dead.
“As I’m sure you know, we caught these two plotting my death,” Malkov said. “I couldn’t have them interrupting our little reunion. Unfortunately, neither one possesses enough magic to make a worthwhile contribution to our cause, though I could have used the one with the bird an hour ago.”
Aliya shuddered.
The guards shoved both prisoners to their knees. “I was going to execute them publicly to draw you out of hiding, but now that you’re here, I think their deaths may best serve a different purpose.” He gestured at a sentry who drew his sword and came forward.
“No!” Aliya thrust her weight against one guard, then the other, trying to break their hold.
They kicked her feet from under her. She didn’t feel the floor as she hit.
Brooks wrapped his fist in her hair, yanking her head up, forcing her to watch.
“No! Stop! I’ll go with you, give you what you want, if you spare them and the gnome.”
“Jalius escaped,” Karlee hissed at her. “Don’t let him hold the old man over you as leverage.”
Malkov tsked and shook his head. “I am a man of my word, my queen. I promised you in Filathas there’d be consequences for your disobedience. Consider this just one more on the lengthening list.” The corners of his lips hardened as his gaze chilled. “Plus, their terrorist movement is responsible for an explosion in the port district this afternoon that destroyed most of our reserves for the army. For that, the Mage Underground needs to pay.”
Kord lifted his head and speared Malkov with his gaze. “The Mage Underground is more extensive and better connected than you could possibly imagine. We will have our revenge.”