Page 135 of To Kill a King
Elessan frowned, his blood chilling. They looked like giant versions of those Dragon Sticks that Lindir had described being used against Cressida. He pointed and turned to the thane. “Hedul!”
Ignoring him, the dwarf hollered, “Charge!”
The battering ram surged forward again. The impact shook the earth as the gates swayed.
“Hedul!” Elessan waved to get the thane’s attention. His stomach hardened as his heart thudded against his ribs. “Get your men out of there!”
The oversized Dragon Sticks exploded in small clouds of fire and blackness.
Most of the metallic orbs bounced off the dwarves’ reinforced armor. Three unlucky riders tumbled into the mud.
Something round appeared from one side of the parapets, rolling toward the gate. An oversized cauldron, full of something steaming in the cool morning air.
Elessan nudged his pony closer to Hedul’s and pointed. “Oil!”
At last, the thane glanced to where Elessan indicated.
He grunted. “Slingers! Flame, two o’clock!”
From behind Elessan, slings twanged. Glowing bits of coal soaked in grease left smoke trails through the sky. The projectiles exploded like fireworks. Men screamed.
“Ram! Charge!” Hedul paused for two heartbeats. “Slingers, sling!”
Elessan loosed another arrow at the ramparts.
The ponies carrying the large beam lunged forward. A second round of flaming stones soared to the walls, exploding against the cauldron and battlements. The human soldiers manning the Dragon Sticks hid behind the ramparts at the onslaught. Their screams changed pitch as the oil in their cauldron burst into flame.
Desperate to save themselves, the panicked humans tipped the cauldron over the side. Liquid fire splashed down the wall and spread into the ground below. Black smoke billowed from the earth as the grass burned.
At least the flames missed their intended target.
“Ram! Retreat!”
Stones and Dragon Sticks still peppered the ponies and their riders.
“Ram! Charge!”
The number of horses and handlers dwindled.
The timbers cracked with the sound of bones breaking. Elessan winced.
“Once more should do it,” Hedul said. “Ram! Charge!”
Elessan shot another arrow into the fray.
Zadé gave a congratulatory whoop as Elessan’s target tumbled to the earth.
With the shriek of screeching metal, the beam burst through the gate. The steeds pranced backward several yards. Their riders cleaved them free from their bindings and fled the field.
Men poured out from the city, swords and armor gleaming in the smoke and mist.
Hedul flashed Elessan a toothy grin. “Here we go, elf. See you in victory, or at the Night Gate!”