Page 152 of To Kill a King
Aliya licked her lips and pulled her shoulders back, staring the king in the eyes. She cleared her throat and drew a small strand of magic to project her voice across the square. “Malkov Cerel, for your crimes against mages, the elves, and the realm, I, Queen Aliya Larimar Cerel, sentence you to death.”
Malkov bared his teeth at her. “You can’t—”
An elven sword slammed through his neck, carving a divot from the wooden block below. Malkov crumpled to the ground as Aliya let her magic that had been holding him immobile dissipate. Elessan watched the head roll across the platform as he flicked the blood from his blade. “Survive that, you bastard,” he muttered in Elven.
The ring on her finger disappeared like mist on a warm summer morning.
Aliya took her first breath as a free woman and smiled.
“It’s over. We did it.” She looked out across the square. “The occupants of the city are not to be harmed or harassed. Those who cause problems are to be brought to me.” She looked pointedly at Elessan. “Or him.”
A wave of murmurs spread through the crowd. Yeah, Malkov’s nobles probably loved that. She sighed. That was another viper’s nest that needed clearing out.
Elessan wiped his sword on the fallen king’s robe. He stood, shoved the weapon into its sheath, and held his arm out to her. “Your Majesty. Shall we?
Aliya put her arm in his and let him escort her off the platform. Things were about to get infinitely more complicated. She’d never been very good at navigating the cutthroat maneuverings of court, probably because she’d been so sheltered growing up. Her father had never exposed her to it. “I think we should enjoy the next few minutes, El. It’s likely the last opportunity we’ll have for some time.”
“What are you going to do about Malkov’s nobles? His guards?”
“I don’t know.” It was overwhelming to contemplate.
“You could purge them all. Start over fresh.”
Aliya shook her head. “No. I can’t run the entire realm by myself. I need people with experience, who others are used to following, to help with the day-to-day minutiae.”
He chewed on the inside of his cheek for a few heartbeats before nodding. “You’re right. The elves could help, until you establish your own guard and secure power, but the humans will feel better if they see others of their race in charge. How will the nobles react to this? Will they suck up to you in hopes of keeping their positions, or band together against you?”
“I hope the first. I don’t know if I have the strength to take on the entire nobility right now.”
He squeezed her hand as they stepped off the dais. “We need to gather your council, whoever they are, and have a meeting immediately.” He swallowed. “And there’s a few things I need to tell you about the economic state of your realm.”
Aliya’s stomach plummeted. That sounded like it was about more than just an impending famine.
As they approached the carriage that would take them back to the castle, Aliya’s father elbowed his way through the crowd to meet them at the foot of the coach.
He smiled, and a look of pride swept over his face. “Daughter.”
Aliya ignored him and turned to Elessan. “One hour, in the throne room. Tsara, Hedul, Zadé and Jalius should all be there.” She glanced over her shoulder and speared Baron Larimar with her gaze. “If you want to attend the council meeting, make sure the heads of each family are present, as well as the treasurer.” Aliya climbed into the carriage.
The baron sputtered. “Now, just a minute—”
“One hour.”
Elessan slammed the door in her father’s face.
Chapter 31
The next afternoon, Aliya ducked inside the linen closet. Shadow bolted in just before she closed the door. Her first official council meeting had deteriorated to everyone screaming and shouting until she’d called a recess out of sheer frustration. She leaned against the wall with a sigh of relief, then glared at the tiny window high above. The narrow sliver of sunlight illuminated the plumes of dust dancing in the air currents she’d stirred up.
Who bothered to put a window in the linen closet? She closed her eyes and rubbed her temples. Stupid headache.
If only everyone would leave her alone for just a few minutes…
This first day didn’t bode well for the rest of her reign.
“Did Malkov ever feel like this?”