Page 57 of To Kill a King
She smelled like the lilac grove they’d walked through earlier. He lifted her arm. “Elbow up. Yes.” He slid his hand around her waist. “Abs tight.”
The muscles in her stomach rippled at his touch. Sparks tantalized his nerves everywhere his skin touched hers. Heat swelled in his core. He stroked his thumb down her midriff again.
Her breath hitched. She closed her eyes and leaned her head against his chest. He buried his nose in her locks and inhaled.
She turned, not breaking contact with his fingers. The hand that wasn’t holding her bow brushed up his arm to the back of his neck, slow enough to give him time to protest. She licked her lips, the motion drew his gaze and trapped it.
Flames exploded in his blood and flooded his face.
This was such a bad idea on so many levels. She was the human’s queen, and he had a duty to his people to destroy her realm.
This could only bring heartache and pain to them both.
But her lips were full, her skin soft, and she felt incredible against him. Best of all, she didn’t treat him like an outsider.
She pressed herself close, nudging his head lower.
Screw it. He buried his free hand in her hair and pulled her closer, meeting her mouth with his. Where they touched, fire erupted.
The bow clattered to the ground as she wrapped her other arm around his torso, pulling him tight. She groaned in the back of her throat and opened her mouth, inviting him to deepen the kiss.
That groan was his undoing. He growled in return as something primal awoke inside him. Roaring louder than Ithabasa Falls flooded his ears. There was nothing except his tongue dancing with hers, the soft press of her lips against his as she held him as desperately as he craved her.
Someone coughed. Aliya tensed, jumping back with an adorable squeak. He whipped around, hands on his swords as the thundering in his skull subsided to deathly silence.
Zadé stood several feet away, hip jutting to one side, her arms crossed. She tapped her toe on the ground. Beside her loomed a human with a small backpack and a lute over his shoulders.
Elessan grabbed Aliya’s wrist and tugged her behind him. “What are you doing,” he hissed in Elvish.
Zadé took a deep swig from her flask as she swayed side-to-side. “What? I went ta th’ local inn for infer-mation,” she slurred. “Bards’s good fer gossip ‘n news. And this one makesss the best Pálinka I’z ever had. Filled me right up, he did. Dinner’s done, by th’ way.” She raised her eyebrow and took another drink, holding on to the minstrel to remain upright. “If I’z not interruptin’ anything?”
The stranger glanced back and forth between the elves, clearly not understanding the words, but picking up on Elessan’s tone. “Um, maybe I should just go?”
Zadé threw her arm around the human’s shoulders. “No,” she slurred in Common, “stay. He’s jus’ bein’ his normal grumpy self. Speakin’ of, His Grumpiness is Elsan, and the girl behind him—”
Elessan stepped in front of Aliya, blocking the newcomer's view. “Her name’s not important.”
The human studied them for several heartbeats. “I’m Stephen, a traveling minstrel.” He nodded to Zadé. “Your friend here mentioned you’d be open to exchanging dinner for an evening of entertainment?” He gestured to his lute.
Elessan bit back on a sigh. The last thing any of them needed was a stranger, one who might identify Aliya.
What was Zadé thinking? He frowned. Nothing seemed to stick in her head except where to get her next drink. He narrowed his eyes and peered at the newcomer. This human appeared far too muscular for one who made a living strumming an instrument. He clenched his jaw. There was no way out of this without arousing the human’s suspicions. His gaze slid back to Aliya. He’d make sure Stephen didn’t survive the night, then he’d figure out what to do about Zadé.
“Well,” he said with a broad wave, “if dinner’s ready, lead the way.”
Several minutes later, as they stepped into camp, he blinked. He’d half expected their belongings to be looted by some of Stephen’s friends lying in wait.
Quit being so paranoid, Svialto.
They settled around the fire as Zadé ladled out portions of rabbit stew by the light of the setting sun. Aliya groaned in ecstasy as she took her first bite. “This is delicious!”
The muscles in Elessan’s core tightened at the sound. His brain supplied an image of something else that would warrant that same utterance.
He was in deep trouble.
Shoving a spoonful of the meat into his mouth, he scowled as it singed his tongue. So much for tasting dinner tonight. But at least the pain pushed the thought of Aliya from his mind.
Zadé saluted Aliya with her flask. “Thanks, Princess… ‘s got Pálinka in it.”