Page 3 of Oath of Rebellion
The Growlers normally stayed in their own territory, but Knox had to protect her. Half of that job was always being prepared.
The old druid bustled past them, grabbing a vial from a shelf and going back to the stove. "Psh, nothing to worry about, loves. They're just hot and cranky. You know it's mating season for them. As long as we stay out of the way of all those hormones, we'll all be alright. Now, how were the lads up north, Knox?"
Knox told of his visit to the dwarves' stronghold and the latest magical technology they'd shared with him. Scarlet's eyes glittered with excitement.
The topic shifted to politics and the ongoing war, and Knox shared what he'd learned so far.
Scarlet shrugged. "There are rumors of the king finding a new mistress too. Perhaps she will help calm him down from the blow of losing Auckwald and the troops running home with their tails between their legs. I heard that he lit the barracks on fire when he heard of the defeat."
Scarlet knew he traded with Vidrland but not that he'd become the unquestioned leader of the Robins. To everyone, including Scarlet and Olive, he was just a lonely lumberjack who lived in Vidrland and went to the city of Demerel every few months for supplies.
Still, he had to warn Olive. "Between the king's temper, mating season, and the full moon coming up? Olive, maybe you can come stay in Vidrland for a few days?"
Olive scowled as she sat a bowl of soup in front of him. "No, this is my home, and I'm not leaving."
Scarlet frowned, picking at her nails with a thin-bladed dagger. "Grandma, a few days won't hurt. Consider it a vacation. Think of all the friends you can visit. Don't you want to see River and Oakley?"
The three druids now only got together once per year on the pilgrimage to the southern ruins. He wasn't sure how much they'd told Olive about the Robins' work, but Knox certainly didn't discuss any of it with her.
Olive set a bowl of steaming soup in front of Scarlet and then sat. "Perhaps. I'll think about it. Now why don't you tell me why you're here?"
Scarlet shifted in her chair, her eyes downcast as she said, "What makes you think it's anything other than just a well-deserved break?"
Olive stared at her, and Scarlet blushed then admitted, "The princess of Busparia might be traveling the Lone Road."
Knox' brows rose. His people hadn't mentioned the princess at all. "Why?"
Scarlet didn't question his demanding tone, thank the gods.
"After the peace negotiations fell through, she went to tend to the wounded and boost morale at Auckwald. She left and not even a week later, Auckwald fell to the Glathens. The army is on the move back to Busparia, but the princess is not on the Southern Road. She followed the western edge of the forest to the Glathen's village."
Knox rubbed his chin, his mind racing. "Interesting."
Scarlet nodded. "The king sent me into the forest to see if she's on the Lone Road."
Knox nodded. "If she is, it'll be dark in a few hours. She won't make it in the dark."
Scarlet eyed him. "I was hoping you'd ride with me to find her?"
He raked a hand over the side of his head and sighed. She knew he could protect them all from the forest's magic.
He nodded and sat back in his seat, pushing his now empty bowl away. "Whenever you're ready."
Soon they were back in the saddle, riding swiftly on the faint path. He reactivated the spell behind him to protect Olive's circle.
The forest closed around them, the underbrush reaching for them. He waved a hand and the vines and bushes went back, now not even touching their horses.
Scarlet asked, "How's the lumber and pelts business?"
Knox nodded, telling her about the last hunting trip.
His conscience nagged at him to bring Scarlet into the Robins' work. The fact remained that it would only put her in danger.
She hadn't visited Vidrland in ten years, not since he and the druids had grown it into a small village. Not since she'd become a Hunter at the start of the war. Mercenaries paid pretty well, thanks to the Hunter's Guild.
That was before the wounded and deserters and draft dodgers had begun to trickle into the forest seeking his protection.
Scarlet visited Olive once or twice a year but didn't go all the way north.