Page 33 of Oath of Rebellion
Just like it did now. She hadn't been able to eat tonight at the ball, just like she hadn't been able to eat a bite when the king had asked her to sit with him in the parlor that night. She'd served him the stew Eirwyn had made earlier that night but had kept their conversation on safer topics than his sister.
They'd discussed religion, books, music, and art. He'd been attentive, and she'd slowly relaxed around him. The next day, word arrived that Eirwyn was going to Glathen to negotiate a peace treaty. Then the workers had shown up to fix the tavern along with an invitation to a private dinner at the castle. That was when he'd propositioned her for a week long dalliance that had morphed into so much more.
Her mind wandering as she twirled and met her dance partner in the middle. He was some random duke that she couldn't remember the name of who only danced with her for political favor.
She'd learned a lot over the past six weeks living in the palace, most of it regarding her position. She was the gateway to the king, and he asked questions about the political pulse of the people in town.
During their first week together, he had wooed her with flowery words, bringing her books she'd never heard of, and asking about the rumors in town. He had been invested in her opinion.
He had declared his love and proposed exactly one week after they'd met, had promised her all the books, tutors, and magic school she could ever want... if she would help him learn to be a better king to the peasants.
She loved him too. How could she not, when he had given her the world? But her stomach twisted every time he said something derogatory toward the commoners, folk just like her.
She felt Gastone's gaze on her, ever watching, ever appraising. She'd come to crave his approval in such a short time.
Lailant said it was because her father had been gone for so long. He'd been gone to war for years now. Only those who were too old or too young came to the tavern anymore. And the injured, shady characters, and draft dodgers.
She went to the next partner, the dance blurring together along with the passing evening. She finally bowed low and begged for a reprieve. She went up to her room to use the facilities, not wanting to chit chat with any of the noblewomen in the large bathroom on the main floor.
She sat in front of her vanity and powdered her nose.
Gastone is going to lose the throne if you don't do something about it.
She sighed, not sure what she was supposed to do. She'd spent weeks coaching him on how to reshape his image with the people. He was too temperamental, too volatile.
It's not his fault, though. He needs a strong woman at his side, and Eirwyn's been dragging him down for years.
She touched up her lips, her mind wandering in a haze. They had compromised to have the wedding here in her hometown, then they were going to take a wide honeymoon tour of the nation before going to the capital.
Eirwyn should stay at the summer palace. She's less likely to make Gastone mad if she's out of sight.
Bella nodded at her reflection as it shimmered. Gastone had been strict but pleasant in the past few weeks as they'd gotten to know each other. She knew they could have a great marriage but more than that, she could change the kingdom for the better.
Maybe even bring Pa home and end the blasted war. She stood, going back downstairs to continue working on the nobles. It wasn't only the commoners who needed to think differently about the king.
When Eirwyn awoke the next morning, she was in her large bedchamber with plush sheets and giant pillows. She snuggled in deeper, turning onto her side with a sigh. She winced at the pain in her stomach and soft footsteps approached the bed.
"Are you awake?" Bella whispered.
Eirwyn hummed and rubbed her face against the clean sheets. With a start, she sat bolt upright, her gaze swinging around the room to find Bella standing next to her bed.
She wore a gold and Red brocade gown, the corset laced tight. The silk sleeves shimmered in the soft afternoon sunlight that spilled into the room from floor to ceiling windows.
A bell tolled outside, and she knew she was back in Demerel in the palace. Her dreams had been full of Knox and the forest and flying over the trees.
She took a deep breath, calming her racing heart. Bella clasped her hands in front of her. Not a strand of hair was out of place, and her brown eyes were concerned but curious. All of their friendship, Eirwyn had felt like Bella watched her like a science experiment.
She looked around and held her stomach. "What—what are you doing here?" she asked.
Bella smiled tightly. "I wanted to check on you. You disappeared last night."
Eirwyn groaned and laid back down, rolling over and pulling the covers back up. "I just don't feel well."
"Aw, I'm so sorry," Bella said woodenly. Eirwyn looked up at her, blinking and trying to think. It was too early for her brain to make sense of why Bella was acting slightly off.
Bella went to the window and stared out. "I wanted to talk with you about your behavior last night at the ball. You shouldn't talk to your brother like that. He's trying his best and ruling the kingdom is a difficult thing to do."