Page 108 of Oath of Revenge
“Beat them—“ Wulfric panted as his claws and jaw elongated. He roared as the first eagle dove at them. The Growlers ran ahead, leaping and snapping their jaws at it. Wulfric crouched and jumped, and Scarlet held tightly to the reins as the horse lengthened her stride.
Another screech and the flap of wings sent frigid air beating down on her. She ducked and tugged Rain to the left of the trail. The giant eagle was bigger than Rain, and Scarlet breathed a sigh of relief that it wouldn’t be able to cart her away on its own.
She raced parallel to the path, Wulfric’s snarls behind them combined with the barks and snarls of the Growlers ahead of them echoed in her ears. Her heart beat louder and louder until it drowned out the sounds of the eagles themselves. A glimpse of the helrose wall ahead gave her hope.
She yelled, “Look for the gap in the wall!”
An eagle grabbed one of the Growlers in its large talons, but it twisted and swiped and bit. The eagle dropped it when it was barely three feet off the ground, and he hit the ground hard. He rolled and stumbled to his feet, joining Wulfric behind them.
She tugged on the horse’s reins harder and swiped with her dagger as another eagle reached for her. The eagle’s claw dug into her shoulder, and she screamed in pain as it pulled her from the saddle. Her bones cracked, and she swiped up with her dagger, stabbing it in the tendon.
It screeched and dropped her, but she was already changing, magic enveloping her like a cocoon. Swift in deer form, she shot past the leading Growlers to the helrose wall and searched for the opening. Rain and the others followed her on thundering hooves, the litter bouncing wildly. When she found the tunnel’s entrance, she skidded to a halt. The three front guard Growlers flanked her, but she didn’t fear them.
Rain didn’t stop, turning automatically and racing inside along the passage to safety. Scarlet glanced back, two eagles still circling the trees to her left as Wulfric watched the back of the injured and limping Growler.
Magic swirled as she watched him jump over the Growler’s back, the other Growlers beside her racing back down the path to help their alpha. She needed to help too. A snap of bones and blinding pain, then she panted and took off running with a snarl. Big red paws covered the ground quickly for a Growler, and her gaze sharpened on the battle.
Wulfric swiped a great paw at the eagle that held him in its claws, and one of the Growlers leaped onto its back. It spun, throwing the Growler to the ground. It landed with a thud and a sharp whine of pain and laid still. Another Growler surrounded it, standing guard while the eagle circled with a loud screech. The fourth Growler escorted the injured one to the gap in the helrose wall.
Wulfric didn’t stop, but turned his head and bit into the bird’s leg. Even from there, Scarlet heard the crunch of bone breaking, and the scream of the eagle as it let go.
Wulfric fell, twisting in the air from a higher angle than the other Growlers who’d fallen. Her heart raced and magic swirled with her fear, but she fought it. Before he could hit the ground, the other eagle caught him.
Scarlet’s heart raced faster, and a red haze settled over her eyes. She would not let him go. He was hers, and she would fight for him as she’d vowed. She jumped onto a tree and used it to launch herself higher and higher as Wulfric clawed, bit, and scratched at the attacker.
Scarlet pushed off the closest tree and landed on the eagle’s back, her fangs plunging into its neck. The taste of feathers made her gag, but she didn’t let go. Her claws dug into the back of the giant eagle as it screeched and twisted in pain.
Scarlet, jump now.
The roar in her head surprised her enough that she jumped. She barely saw Wulfric tumbling through the treetops before she crashed into them. Pine filled her nostrils. Bark scratched her Growler fur. She slammed into a branch, then all went black.
Chapter 34
Scarlet’s shoulder hurt as she came awake. Soft hands and the familiar scent of herbs kept her relaxed.
“There, there, you’re alright now, child,” Grandma said softly. “Wake up now. I want to know everything.”
Scarlet wiped her eyes with her free hand, pushing her wet hair out of her face. Grandma gently rubbed another bloody spot from her face, and Scarlet turned her head away with a groan. “Leave me alone. I hurt everywhere.”
“Oh stop your grumbling and get up. You have a big goose egg on your head and your shoulder is pretty mangled, but I have a potion and a hot bath waiting for you.”
The last she said in a sing-song voice, and Scarlet’s eyes opened as she looked around. She was in her room at Hartsgrove Manor, and a steaming copper tub sat in front of the roaring fire. The servants must’ve just left, yet she didn’t see Wulfric.
She frowned and asked, “Where’s Wulfric? The Growler?”
Grandma pulled on her good hand, and Scarlet rolled to her side, holding her shoulder and arm tight to her body. The pulsing pain was familiar, and she knew it was dislocated. She sat on the edge of the bed, breathing deeply as she waited for the nausea to wane.
The door opened softly but she didn’t turn around. A soft warmth spread through her body as shuffling steps came closer.
“Ah, there you are. I had wondered how long it’d take you to get up all those stairs,” Grandma said.
“Don’t sass me, girl. I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be at the exact time I’m supposed to be here,” said the soft, raspy voice.
Scarlet’s eyes tightened as she heard the woman draw closer. “Lailant?” she gasped through the pain twisting her shoulder and stomach.
A soft hand settled on her shoulder, and the warmth spread from there. “Aye, bite down on this, as it’s going to hurt more before it gets better.”
Scarlet opened her eyes, saw the old woman holding a hairbrush, and opened her mouth. She bit on the carved handle, and the woman’s hand tightened on her shoulder. Her nails bit in as if there was no shirt or vest to protect her.