Page 4 of Oath of Revenge
Regret twisted her stomach as she watched.
Bella gasped, finally gaining control of her new corporeal form. “What? Why? Where are you going?”
The queen’s body stepped toward the door. At first, it was just a drunken stumble, but each step became smoother. “Oh, I have plans. Promises to fulfill that are long overdue, my dear.”
Bella floated to the door and held her arms wide. “No, wait! You can’t leave me here and just take off. That’s my—my body.”
The drakin arched a brow and smirked. “Are you sure you want it back? I mean, just look at how hideous you are. No longer the beautiful queen. No, I think I’ll hold on to it for now. It’s been years since I’ve had a body, and I intend to use it to the fullest extent before upgrading.”
Then the drakin walked through the floating Bella, who screamed. The drakin’s chuckle echoed off the shaking walls.
The smoke cleared from the table, and the image dissipated.
Fisica glanced at her eldest sister. “That was Crookilius. Three hundred years ago, he made a deal with our uncle for power.”
“What kind of power?” Druexxa asked sharply.
“I don’t know yet. I’m still researching. There are two remaining dragons. One has just become king of the forest.”
“And the other?” Druexxa’s sharp eyes looked so much like their mother’s, it hurt.
Fisica reached for her teacup, but her hand shook so badly, she pulled it back to her lap. “The other dragon trapped Crookilius in the mirror. I’ve talked to him, and he explained Crookilius’ plan.”
“Why do I hear a but in there?” Druexxa asked.
Fisica wrinkled her nose and inclined her head. “But if Crookilius’ plan is still the same, he is going to lay waste to the entire continent. It was part of his deal. If he controls the continent, then the Asshole can begin his campaign to take over all of Eoni.”
Her sisters stared at her in horror, their faces almost mirror images as they paled.
Honifery rubbed her temples and shook her head. “This is what I was afraid of. My contact in the Deep has shown me that our uncle is trying to create a portal to release his daemon army upon Eoni. We must stop him at all costs.”
Fisica nodded. “To stop our uncle, we must stop Crookilius. I am keeping watch on my champions, but might need to reveal myself. We will need them in the coming war.”
Honifery shook her head. “I don’t think that’s wise. Maybe Dru’s champions can go help?”
Druexxa shook her head. “There is another sin lord in the Zands that has recently come to power. My champions are going to find out if this one also made a deal with our uncle.”
Honifery took a deep breath. “Always with the deals… Very well, help your champions however you can, but be smart about it. Try to keep from being seen by our uncle, because I don’t want to lose either of you.”
Honifery took her hand again, and Fisica squeezed it.
“We’ll be fine.” Druexxa sniffed and looked away as she blinked quickly.
Honifery released Fisica’s hand. “However, that brings us to why I’ve called this meeting…”
Hours later, Fisica blinked past the pain in her body and the burning medallion on her chest. When her eyes adjusted to the dimness, she found herself back in front of the fireplace in her new cabin, flat on her back.
She looked at her hands and sighed. Her smooth, dark skin was now tan, wrinkled, and spotted with age. The golden veins of magic weren’t visible in this form, but more than how she looked was how she felt.
Her back ached from where she’d slammed into the dirt packed floor on her re-entry to this plane. She got up slowly and laid on the bed. Someday, this old body wouldn’t be necessary. But first, she had a war to stop and champions to save.
Chapter 1
Wulfric snarled and snapped at Brody, anger coursing through him. “How dare you,” he growled. “I’m the alpha of the Ironpaws, damn it!”
Brody grinned maniacally and circled him in the small clearing on the edge of the river. “Correction. You were. I’m taking over.”
Wulfric shook his head, blood splattering from where it dripped into his eye. He lunged, snapping his elongated jaws. He didn’t have time for an alpha challenge, as illegal as this one may be.