Page 107 of No Going Back
“I did get one piece of information. Not sure if it’s anything,” Tanya said.
Tyler sipped his water while waiting for her to continue.
She pulled out her phone. A moment after tapping some keys, she said, “I’ve sent you a picture of Aziz and an address for a small café. Not far from the hotel, but off the beaten track. Aziz has been seen several times having tea there. Sits outside, sometimes for hours. That’s all I have. Sorry, it’s not much.”
He glanced down when his phone buzzed. “It’s a start. Does Aziz meet anyone there?”
“He wouldn’t confirm. I tried, but no luck.”
That meant Aziz did meet someone. Someone that Tanya’s source didn’t want to disclose.
“Tyler, why are you here alone?” Tanya asked with concern.
“Long story. Better you don’t know.” Tyler stood up. “Thank you. I know you stuck your neck out for me here.”
“What are friends for?” She stood and they walked outside together. “What’s her name?”
“Someone’s got your heart. I can tell. You didn’t hit on me.” She grinned at him.
“There’s no woman. And you’re still as gorgeous as ever. But I respect you too much to hit on you, Tanya. That was a long time ago under different circumstances.” It had nothing to do with that, but he wasn't discussing his love life with her.
“Liar. There’s a woman, but that’s fine if you don’t want to tell me. I’m not offended. Am I going to see you again?”
“Probably not.”
“Tyler, I’m worried about you. If Aziz is connected to Reborn, you can’t take them on by yourself.”
“Who says I’m alone? Look after yourself, Tanya.” It was time to get out of here. Too many questions.
“You too, Tyler. It was good to see you.” She stepped toward him, embracing him in a hug he returned.
Tyler watched her leave before climbing into the old truck he had bought with cash outside the airport. He planned to go check out the café, but first he wanted to see the hotel. If Aziz was out of town, maybe he could be a little nosy. It would take a little over two hours to drive to Islamabad.
As the old truck rumbled along, for the millionth time since leaving San Diego, he thought about Mira, wondered how she was. He’d picked up the phone to text her countless times, but stopped himself. He didn't even know if she was out of her coma yet and he didn’t dare call the hospital. Getting in touch would only make it worse and his team would track him in an instant. He couldn’t go back, not now, not ever.
He needed to stay focused on the plan to take out Reborn. After that, he had no idea what came next, where he would go. With his skills he could always get work, but things would never be the same. The family he loved, the one place where he finally thought he belonged was gone. He had screwed it up big time.
It was evening by the time he reached the hotel. The place oozed luxury. Impeccable gardens were beautifully lit up in the dusk. A valet waited in the grand entrance to take care of his vehicle.
Mmm, no way he could pull up in this truck. Diverting, he found a side street and parked. Pulling on a ball cap, he grabbed a map and walked back toward the hotel, hopefully looking like just another American tourist.
He passed through the front entrance with ease and went to the lobby bar, taking a seat. People milled around, having drinks, talking. He observed, keeping his cap pulled low to avoid any camera detection. Aziz had a suite on the top floor. How good would it be to get a little look inside that suite? Maybe find an office. Tanya said money talked here. Well, he had the money. Now to find someone who might be willing to do a little more than talk.
MIRA SIPPED SOME WATER and looked out the window. She had arrived back at Westside a couple of hours ago. Dr. Sophie Summers had already been to visit to make sure she was OK. Mira knew Sophie well, seeing as Ryan, Raven’s second in command, was her boyfriend. It had been great to see a friendly face. Sophie had reassured her she was healing great and would be out of the hospital soon.
The door opened and Mira almost squealed in delight when Kelly burst through with a big smile. In seconds, she was engulfed in a gentle hug.
“It is sooooo good to see you,” Kelly said, finally letting her go.
“It’s good to be back here at Westside.” Mira smiled. “Are my parents with you?”
“No. Sam had a car pick them up and take them straight to a hotel. I wanted to see you first and then we’ll have them brought over.”
“I’m glad. I love them, but I could use the break.”