Page 111 of No Going Back
“Lucky for us you were here. Right place, right time.” She stood, gesturing for her son to do the same. “You’re American, yes?”
“Yes. Well it was nice to meet you...”
“Asma, and this is my son Reyes.”
Tyler swallowed, forcing himself to keep his face neutral and his smile in place. He needed to get out of here and fast.
“Well, Reyes. Listen to your mom. No more running, OK?”
The boy nodded.
“What do you say to Dr. Walker?” Asma urged her son.
“Thank you, sir,” the boy said obediently.
“You’re welcome.” Tyler nodded at Asma and then turned and headed straight for the door.
Tyler walked to his old truck, constantly checking behind him to ensure he wasn’t followed. There was no reason why Asma would have recognized him. Hell, they hadn’t even known about her and the boy until recently. But you couldn’t be too careful. Confident he hadn't been followed, he got in the truck and drove away. After a few minutes, he parked in a deserted parking lot, then trotted across the road to a sleazy hotel, where no one would question it when he paid cash.
The room was not as bad as he thought it would be. At least the sheets looked clean, and it was somewhat cool. Dumping his backpack on the chair, he kicked off his boots and lay down.
Fuck, he’d just met Lazir’s wife and kid, and they had not been anything like what he had expected. He hadn't seen any pictures of them, but somehow, he had pictured a quiet, obedient wife, head lowered, not allowed to talk or even look at another man. Typical of the women in Daram. And the boy. A vast contrast to the ten year olds he’d seen in Daram. Many much older than their years and already holding guns. Perhaps Asma had no idea what her husband was involved in? Mira had said Asma had met Lazir in Pakistan and had always lived here. Maybe they were innocent in all of this. But looks could be deceptive.
Tyler closed his eyes, hoping to get a few hours sleep before heading to the café in the morning. Immediately, Mira’s face filled his mind and his heart squeezed. Would he ever be able to not think of her?
He would give anything to know how she was. What did she think of him? He’d promised he’d be there for her when she got out of that damn basement, but instead he’d left. Hadn’t even left a note. Perhaps, when this was all over, he would write and try and explain.
He couldn’t stay. He’d tried to confront his past, like everyone had told him he should. All it had done was turn him back into the angry young man who hadn't been able to save anyone. The man who lashed out at people, who pushed people away, who never belonged anywhere. He’d been doing so well, or so he’d thought. His whole focus on the Navy, being the best damn Navy SEAL he could be, and then in Onyx. Best of the best. He didn’t need anything or anyone else. His team and the next mission were all that mattered. Women had come and gone but he never got attached. Not until Mira. And goddammit, she had turned his whole fucking world upside down, giving him a glimpse of a life he thought he could never have. He’d believed for just a moment maybe it was possible. That image had been shattered into a thousand pieces and he barely recognized himself these past couple of days. He no longer trusted himself to be a teammate, and certainly not to love a woman like Mira. He was consumed with the need for revenge.
It was time to go it alone and avenge what had happened to someone he cared about. He had not been able to do anything for his mom, or for Allan, but he could do something for Mira and for his team. Reborn had made this personal. They’d come after Raven more than once now. His family. He was no longer a helpless child, or teenager. He was an Onyx, no, a former Onyx special operator. Best in the world. He was done being told what he could and couldn’t do. Done seeing people he cared about hurt and standing on the sidelines. If it meant his career was over, he was fine with that. It was time to direct all this anger, this frustration he felt on the people that deserved it. Aziz and Reborn.
AFTER A RESTLESS NIGHT, Tyler found the café easily and parked the truck out of sight. He’d dressed in khakis and a scarf around his neck. Not many westerners came to this part of town, so he didn't blend in quite so easily. When he ordered tea and breakfast in Urdu, the owner appeared unconcerned by his presence, although he drew a few curious glances from other local patrons. He was not going to be able to stay here long.
While Tyler ate, he looked around. Across from the café stood an old apartment building. To one side was a small fruit market, and on the other side, vacant land. From this viewpoint, there was not much else to see. It was a small village and a good discreet meeting place. Who was Aziz meeting here? And where was Aziz going on his trips away from the hotel? Tyler finished up his breakfast and strolled across the street to the apartment building. The front courtyard was overgrown and laundry hung outside between the balconies. An older man walked out of one of the apartments, his yellow turban and white beard a bright contrast against his tanned skin.
“Excuse me, sir.” Tyler said in Urdu, smiling. “I am looking for my friend.” He showed him Aziz’s picture. “Have you seen him?”
The man looked warily at him and shook his head.
What if Aziz had a woman here? Tanya had said he was a widow. Didn't mean he didn’t have a woman tucked away here for his pleasure. Although this seemed a little down market for a man that owned a luxury hotel.
Well, he couldn’t exactly go knocking on every door. Perhaps someone in the market would remember him. He walked outside, raising his hand to shield his eyes from the early morning sun. A windowless van screeched to a halt at the curb in front of him. The door slid open, and two men jumped out. Tyler cursed, reaching for his gun. He got off one shot, but two more men came up behind him and the muzzle of a rifle was shoved in his back. He was bundled into the back of the van, disarmed and hooded. He struggled against the men, kicking and bucking. Pain seared through his head when what felt like the butt of a gun slammed into his temple, knocking him out cold.
MIRA SAT ON KELLY’S back deck, grateful to be out of the hospital. She’d been discharged on condition that she was not home alone for the time being. Kelly had immediately offered up the spare room at her and Dex’s place. Between her, Sophie, Steve’ wife Diane and her parents, she was never left unattended. She was lucky to have so many people that cared about her. But the one person she wanted most wasn’t there.
“How is the patient today?” Kelly smiled, handing her a coffee.
“The patient is doing fine. Thank you.” She took the coffee and Kelly sat in the vacant chair beside her.
“Still nothing?” Mira asked, already knowing the answer.
“They’re following some leads. Good news is, if he’d been captured or killed, we would have heard by now.”
Unless he’d been murdered and buried in a remote grave, but she kept that thought to herself. Raven wanted Tyler back as much as she did, and they would hunt for him as long as it took.